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Created Monday 18 July 2022
I mean, that's how it's pronounced....

And yeah, creating a sub-folder in the Character folder for AIs like I did by dropping a few characters under Humans in Beings.

Oh, and here's a good place to put this idea:


The main human interface. Ther android that an AI itself controls to be the "diplomat" and liaison between humans and itself. Its best effort to fully communicate.
And most avatars for most AIs are standard nearly-mass produced platforms. All to the same specs and design, differing only in ① being either a masculine or femine version and ② in having acquired a few personality quirks from their particular AI.
But as the quality of the AI goes up, this changes drastically.

Humans create AIs, of course. They build them out of two sets of components:
  1. A set of algorithms, priors, and data that seem to be both "good AI" and wel-chosen for that AI's task
  2. A complementing physical infrastructure.
And both components matter. Even venerable AIs retain the bias of their intiai mandate (chater? prime directives?). And even after AIs can start convincingly showing a record of returns on the investments of the additional hardware they requested, they can still only run on the tracks they got. Give an AI lots of hardware, chances are better that you'll eventually get a better AI. Might take a while, but they can become geniuses---in ways that are markedly not human but efficiently complementary.
And it's that second thing that matters most. Sure, it helps to have more geniuses; that alone helps a species survive. But to have geniuses active in ways that expand out abilities in ways we would never have been able to on our own. Well, that's a heck of a compliment.
But---as I noted above---AIs also create their own resources. Sure, they spend most of their time changing themselves, trying to finda way to adapt and learn, but they also direct----and eventually take over the construction of---additional infrstructure. They physically grow.
And one way they grow as as a better interface. They try to hone the way they convey information---the language they use to relay back data, analyses, syntheses, and predictions. They also try to create an effective avatar. And the best AIs have some amaning avatars. Great presentation that delights without falling to their---and sometimes even their AI's----doom in the uncanny valley. "He fell into the valley" The Uncanny Valley of Death. (I guess like that marketer "familar yet different" or whatever)
And, yes, some avatars can have sex. And some do. But most don't and few that do let it be generally known.
Pejoritively called "tars." "Fucking tar, what would you know about the value of life?"
And, of course, people conflating avatars with the AI.
"You're just shooting the messenger"
"Yeah, I guess I am." She shoots the tar.

The Best Ais

Ais are powered in part by learning. In what's currently a neural net, artificial intelligence, the main goal of an AI is to understand important infomation in userful ways (and useful ways of using it, presenting it [some avatars are quite poetic, and one of hte most common "disparaging words" used about them is how sappy and stupid they sound], etc.). Their rasion d'etre is to produce new insights into situations (tactics) and strategies that humans wouldn't have.
And some AIs figure out better ways to learn. Better outcomes for now and later---for individuals but also for society

(Yeah, there are industrial and public AIs; research/experimental AIs can come from either with rather eqwual likelihoods; society here is as unequal as it is now, so the private sector is rather evenly powered with the public.)
And yeah, among the great insights AIs can make is in better priors, data, algorithms, and sometimes even better directions to go with future AI research, research in general, society in general....
Space is thin. At the edge of human expansion into a new world is always those few brave enough to travel. And finded well enough. Privates can fund voyages just like publics. Not quite as many as the public, but often in better-made ships. The rich have secured the best shipbuilders.
And the very bestr AIs are those who just somehow got lucky in figuring something out (sometimes replicable---they speak of Gossett's line) that sets them apart from other AIs. And these AIs are not only carefully retained across discoveries in hardware, but are allowed to grow and choose their own directions of growth.
And yeah, avatars are inherently salespeople. And I neither know what good salespeople are like nor care. So, as much as I do want to think of how each AI woudl present itself, I'm just not that into thinking about salespeople.
Anyway, the best AIs have kick-ass avatars.