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Created Friday 02 November 2012

I'm impressed with The Expanse and how it managed to create, essentially, three different stories addressing three different plots, one for each season. I'll honestly never be able to match something like that for quality, but still doing that for the plot here might be fun.

The story is basically that of humanity dying in the environment. Death by environment.

First the Succubi, flown like dust by the Roots. And sometimes that dust flies forward and precedes the Roots. And so quickly becoming a harbinger of the Roots.

(And thus too of the Really Big Space Monsters that eat the Roots. And sure, in a big enough space that's still not too big to travel, Things could prey like carnivores on the Really Big Space Monsters.
But the universe is of finite size (we think), so things can only get complicated on that level so much; there are either infinite gradations of gods or a finite number of them, but in either way, they can only occupy so much room for complexity up there to support that much divine variety. They can only occupy so many dimensions / operating criteria / fundamental rules. Only so many quark configurations. The most divine is simple because it is that which most simply can explain so much. It is reducto whateverus that which cannot be reduced further. The atom of the divine.
Anyway, so as much as I want to make interstellar space a fit home for big worms and their revolutionary ideas and still suits, I want it to work.
But yeah, I can see some Myconian beast that can manifest as Massive Predator to attack and sometimes consume a Really Big Space Monster.
Oh, and as if there should ever be any doubt, Really Big Space Monster is never to be acronymized. See? You helped make me write and you read a word as ineffectually anything as acronymize.)
But awkward as they start, they learn fast. And soon many are eating the Succubi. And, well, it's not like we evolved to eat Succubi. So, that can lead to malnutrition. Prosaic, sure, but don't think you can't starve to death in space. Sure lots of things more deadly than starvation out there that will kill you quicker (hey, we are still adapted to that---and darn well should try to stay that way) but it still will kill you.
So, stop sucking on the Succubi.
[See? I can't write for shit. That is not how that lives in my head. It's not stored like that. But I can't put it into better words. Or maybe I just need to work on it more. And this isn't a life priority. Yeah, I think about Succubi a lot in part because now I feel guilty not working & spending time doing this. And so it's really amusingly ironic to indeed think about them.]
Anyway, as you can tell from that drainhole of words, I haven't really figured out how it works with Succubi. They certainly don't ever try to kill us (no, they want us to survive so they too can thrive in a new biome). But it's not like they've evolved---or want to evolve---into something that needs to benefit us. They can, but that's not their goal.
Sure, in a stable biome (an race that's deomonstrated interstellar survival), their could evolve "domesticate" Succubi. Things like flowering plants or pets. And I'll have to see if they have those characteristics of domestication from Dinosaur Man.
But then isn't now. This story may never be the story of man surviving space. Really, I don't see how we could really survive out there. And I want that to be clear here. And the Succubi being a not-really-great-deal that just sticks around
(Like advertising. Marketing is the sexual display of capitalism. It is how it tries to grow in your soil and spread to others. And remember, capitalism is not the generation of wealth. It's the transformation of raw materials and opportunities into wealth, in part through value. But if you believe those resources are limited
(part of solving It is getting people to realize that they are; that's one reason Trump so admittantly didn't want to admit that.)
then you really have to conclude it's all a zero-sum game. And so the accumulation of wealth is also the transformation of raw materials & opportunities in something others don't have but you do.
And so tranforming that into advertising is kinda icky.)
So Succubi are coming to be everywhere
Yeah, of course it thus has to be written as an unsaid practical joke. Just have more and more of them appear in weird places. More and more often. And start to kinda get in the way of conversation, but they quickly shy away if they need to.
and don't do much but get eaten.
They quickly learn to be psychoactive. To induce what seem like religious experiences. To breed in ideas. To create a queendom that fuses with the concept of God. Like how Yahweh was the god of a city-state. That's how it was back then, and that still survives today. And like the Succubi, not necessarily for our benefit. (The Good, they are there for the benefit. Essentially local police. They're a well-and-established insterstellar race and this is part of their territory. So don't you young space-green punks don't go and fuck up the local neighborhood. Oh, and here, wanna buy this?

Then came the Blattids. Also before the humans even knew it. It wasn't that long that they were here before we knew they were, but they saw us before we saw them. And watched us best they could (things are done at a great distance out there), but didn't hestitate when what they saw seemed to show that we were coming---and that we were a threat too great to allow to come. They psyrconned us best they could (and that is what they do well---better than most races) but knew if they waited around too long gathering info that we as a threat woudl be growing too.

And so came the Raptors. The dirty, poisonous, nasty and low. Who come and just don't go away. That's how they fight. And they suck. No glory in killing Buzzkills; it's what anyone would do. But you still better do it soon and well. Let them set up a port to start bringing in Blinkerblasters, and it's too late: They are now an infection that is nearly impossible to dislodge. Either you have somewhere else to flee, or you die. From Raptor piss. And you know they're doing that on purpose; they chose to use that to kill us.

Mammals are fast(er)-burning creatures that adapt & radiate quickly (rodents, bats, & gazelles, anyone?), but they do require more resources to run. The colder-blooded reptiles and their ilk are better at abiding. Sure, their wild foray into avians & dinosaurs (don't forget while others of their ilk were experimenting wiuth things like pterosaurs, pleisosaurs, and crocodilimorphs---to put dinosaurs into perspective versus later avians) was exciting, but diapsids know how to last. Although a corvid might be able to do some amazing things, they still don't put that many resources into creating some finely-tuned mind.

And then right on time come the Good. And Good gear. And Good god is Good gear good! The kind of sci fi weaponry and gizmos you can only Trek about.

But the Good don't abide by you not following their rules. Their rules are fair, but there are times when you're desperate---so desperate only good gear could save you now. But use it and they shut your whole planet down. The planet is perfectly surrounded by Goodship Offswitches that make any Good gear on that planet (or at any arbitrary distance into that solarsystem as they want to extend) no Good gear will work. The Good can actually fry any gear there (well, atomize it, but atomzing isn't usually a gentle act) or in the system, but prefer not to.
But dont' fuck with the Good. Or they'll take their toys. Or---god forbid---use them.
And so maybe th eGoood turn the tide. Maybe not. Part of that is the coin toss, but the toss itself is indeed entirely random.

And set, then the whole story does have to build up to the Battle of the Toss. If I write to anything here, it's disingenuous not to also write towards that. Set those peices up on the board. And see how they play out as I set them up (the things I write do tend to meander away

---as you may have noticed)
But in the end, I have to flip the coin and write which side lands up.

So that when that is over and the closing credits have run, show somewhere in this universe but seemingly not so well placed for an attack on this theatre, appears a glorious ship---a single glory---that is an exquisite blend of Good and Raptor dech. That is the Raptor ship that Raptors in an other universe make and blast away into other universes. That is their offering to their kindred here. Maybe to revenge their defeat to the humans (Heads) or perhaps to now rise up with success against the Blattids if humans are no longer around enough to destroy.

Of course, what it'll do about a Really Big Space Monster grazing its galaxy is something else entirely. That's an awfully (actually, really) big dragon for one kinght to tilt at. I don't care how forsty Good you are.

"When life has not treated you with kindness, doing the right thing anyway takes strength." [Awright, not that deep, but well said in a TV sort of way (on a show better than anything I could ever make).]


The Final Post-Moderen Revolution
The realization---the subdual by---incontrovertable evidence that society should not be run by all. And that there have been established (from social sciences) a pretty darned good idea of who woudl run it better than you.

And so the social race to be among those learned enough to be a Decider.
There are also the Final Deciders. Those without peer.
Many among them are those who have rangecraft. I/e/. not just spacecraft, but those that can run the range. That can jump.
With names like The Day (a 1950's rushed-steel UFO exactly like that in the The Day the Earth Stood Still but a little bigger on the inside than that.
And the Professor's Tin Tin Rocket. (don't have a name for it yet.)
Anyway, their ships aren't "HMS The Day." There is no allegiance. And yes, some are becoming realms out there. There are those out there we at least call Dayians. D'anes for short.

Basic difference
fix things or leave htem..sammit
Lol! It was, "Those who click on things, and those who figure out what's wrong." Both can work in different ways--and better together. Good love story. for me


Alternate title: The Space Between

So peopole really like great stoires about warring families. Game of Thrones. Dune.
And that's the rub.l People like me never figure it out until things like those show us. And I don't know how to make anyting literature-y that's not in their image.

Well, maybe the Uk Muks. My wizard has his ear on the Uk Muks. (And a unque wizard still of that lineage is one thing Tolkien did supremely well)

All the good things the author of GOT did, immersing you in a myth is one of the best. for a story. Yeah, of Tolkien lineage that is.
brilliant character tyian: a wizard for politics. fighting the evil witch. fgreat story
why you read so much
never stop learing. seriously, I'm not just saying that because CUINY pays me so much to say it. I mean it. even more than I you need to, I know that much.
"either you're growing or you're dyuing" or, O.K., or you're a spore. They're actually really common. the dark matter of ecosystems. but do you really want to be one?
of put like you pig-fucking millenials would say: always click the "learn more " button--even if you off-click it right away.

And the love stories. He does them as well as any man could. Yo just gotta understand you're seeing love through a man's eyes. they are not like yours., gduh

Sure. Not to abuse it but (andother lesson of this turning point in life: it is no longer time to rely on savings. But to use them for doings. You have as much as you ever will all at the same time. It's now or never.
mxlplk2 It is now or It is never.

But, see, art--like sicence--is not a orgasmic experine.ce. gduh you fooll anyone who's ever done real art knows that. Real art is a loooong process . . . that makes you feel like it wwas orgasmic

The evil witch: Everyone who isn't us is an enemy. brilliant
I know a story about a boy who hated stories. best come back ever

give them form or let htem go

the mages older brother. don't name your kid after him, but he lived in the house of th4 clock. like that old guy across the rriver in 5 samurasi

tea is steeped in kindness. and the purer tea it is, the truer it is kind.

PSY 335
And guy friendships. the author truly knew himself how to be a friend. somehting I honestly never really learned. like being afraid of being alone.
Like that dream I had as a kid. when I kept running away from the scary monster. But one of my freinds asked me why I never yelled and screamed as I ran away. Eferyon ones lese doing that. Oh, I thought, so I guess I should too. And so I did. And so the monster saw me. And chased me. Into a chicken coop (scry becauese at that age it was one of things you knew / didn't know and so where kinda afriad of what you might end up knowing (those moments happen in life, Sometimes earlier than you'd like). And since I was stuck inside the coop, I had no where to run,. The monster stuck his head inside the coop and simly said, "Gotju" I had no where to run. I had to wake up. My first nightmare.

Being married means to start a relationship already living with two children. That little brat in you, and the kind little one in she you love. Treat one--maybe sometimes both--well.

daernyrys want the old myths to come true. then she gets dragons! yay! we always want more dragons!!!
the starks00great name choices btw--fear the coming of the myths. theirs speaks o the death of the world. noooone wants that. except real jerks.

But that is honestly a cool stroy about the bnirth of dragons. so, well done. and people really really wuv dragons
and tying a woman to being a dragon is both very attuned withthe past (yeah, where dragons mothers ogres al the time. And zsome lots of fucked up shit. Witcxhes: shitting out a lot of fucked up shit
and so a dragon as the sexual woman from the exotic east is genius

adn the idea of a wall. really truly characterising a wall. against the huns, as towered bridges against the vikings, as stone wall against the French (ehy can be dirt insde--its just the french) he understood a wall and how importqant it ws in a savage world.

I think I can predict who lives and dies I have that power

If he wanted the dothraki way why did he marry you

The mother of dragons O.K., I have not beat that. ever.

I have severak unfinsiehd stories, he put it all in there. and was still genius
adn great characteristzation. even illyn payne "the king's executioner" they don't swing the sword--he evwen characteriszes houses

he characertiszed things --ideas--well
writing is rewiriting
: ) in light of these notes

One3 of mine: the dwarf seductress. She makes you want her. She makes you. They want her. So do you.

develop software for people who are stoned
greatest contribution I think pot can make to business

O.K., here's what i have to give. whether you like it or not

thei withc the sun goddes
the winter the one triue god
confusing morality that's what the middle ages was all asbout
and the fundamentl plot--what do all there charascters--all these relatinships--do whan dath breks out

mxlplk1 Yeah, start that, too, this summer. (The Summer that Rocked.) Putting this shit somewhere where someon else could be stupid enough to find and and try to read it. In its raw form. The creation of art.

And, yes. As a matter of fact, long as it's been since I"ve created art, it's not that I haven't been working on a whelter of unfinshed never finished projects like this. Until either it beocmes something. OIr you're kinda dumb for looking for anything but scraps and toolss here.
(The 1 is my attempt at being able to sequence the milestones.)
(So, yeah, that's mean to signify my first milestone. In long enough that this is essentially the first. So yay and all that.)

Quickly becoming the Plot Hole---the place where I dump all my half-baked and rotting ideas.

"I am where I want to be. In other words, I dont want be anywhere but here

the loneliness of space. And the inevitable realization that our sensatins end, and don't subsume it all

High noon commander daylight
Look: Could I command that campaign? Sure. Could you? Sure. Do you want to more than I do? Yep. So, guess what? You get to more than I will. Good luck. I'll stick to my hovels.
[I'm thinking that one shoudl rarely add emphasis to direct quotes. Let the voice speak for itself. Build a charater with a voice, and let that doing the talking.]

That's how to build political intrigue: Animate big decisions with what's known to the characters and not what's known to the reader based on personal characteristics and interests, make it clver--and then doo something yet more clever and daring with what wasn't seen by either the characters or the reader. ./..and do it well. Good luck.

By far not the first page of notes I made. Yeah, the ideas and theses have been floating around for quite a while and some even aggregating into larger, ill-shapen celestial bodies. But, this page wasn't nearly the first I cared to create.

And I really am considering adding the added cruft of a mind map to facilitate it. Martini me with my praise of the finely-honed minmial consider something as "bloated" as another program. Zim can make flow charts, but I guess I don't see those as less a cludge since they are transferred only as images I think. Mind maps I remember are exportable as .html with pages linked in a nice format not inconduscive to becoming the skeleton of the online "final" thingy.

Awright, I guess I convinced myself of seeing how easily it's incoporated with this and moving fowward with the plot.

It's just that devising a plot is so much like making a commitment in a relationship. Ah well, I guess it's worth trying.

But first, the main theses

A moment so beautiful it makes you cry.

Sher, it's banal as the sky, but istening to this as a perfect segue from the Doctor (what/ you can do better?).
The point is, it really doesn't fucking matter what it is--if you care about it. It's that simple.

I am not a prepper. That is a fantasy. But I do strive now --and I hope evermore--a realist. And I do keep among the most perfect knives my civilaization can create at my home desk. I do. I researched it. Fällkniven S1. yeah, with teh dumb black blade. cool as fuck.

Oh yeah. A bit campy wit age, but:

If you knew there was somethign you were wearing when you die, would you wear it:
Sometimes...um...yeah, sometimes......

BSG: How many of us ended up with the people we really wanted to be with? Got stuck with limitted options.

Who doesn't want their dying words to be, "I love you"? There is more to life than that, but not without that.

Sure, one of the worst things in life to hear (close to "um, sorry, but the worms are just gonna make their way from your genitalia to your brain. We can't stop them.") is "I tried to hate you, but I can't." But, fuck it: There are better things to hear than that. Don't listen. I didn't, and, I'm sorry to say, I'm happier for it.

My little waggle-to-warlock thing: Creating a weird little place indeed.
But a good one is:

a green little place to be linking to matrix video
(I think) growing deeply and with many tiny (tiny!) branches. And this being one of the few good examples of its use: um...this. Oh. That. I honestly thought there was more.

greener pastures I guess some stupid thuing

Oh, yeah. Total cylon camp BS: I thought about you every day since that moment I died in your arms.
Dude. If you fall for shit, you deserve it.

I look around in wonder at what is my life. That new otoman with the door closed in a new view of our home that Min found and I had never seen before. Guiding policy and practice of what really still has to be seen as a major educational force in China (it is 130 schools and <80k children affected by it) and being gently asked to join the board. A cute and tender wife.
In some ways. No. In nearly every way I am surprised. Sure luck, but even that not where I'd've thought it'd be.
And still seeing that it is me all along. That what I was as a child was what would make this be.
You see, because the luck I had wasn't coming to New York (well, O.K., that was the one time I rolled a 0-0 on a critical saving throw--a roll like ray made getting double damage with his triple damage trident charge against a older Black Dragon). Sure, I'd had some lucky rolls in my life (Stephanie as a first, model girlfriend). But I've also had a lot of shitty rolls (Linda as my acutally first girlfriend, getting arrested, fired, fired again, and then landing only a shitty job and only one nibble for ten fucking years.). Those didn't even even out, the good and bad luck in my life.
No, the good luck I had was in my initial stats. I am honestly humbled by my talents. And deeply feel the responsibility to use them and to develop me so that I can use them all the more. My bed--the beds of those less lucky with their stat rolls than I--are burning. I have to make my life matter 101% : )

"You look at a baby born with AIDS to a 14-yearo-old girl forced to marry her rapist and tell me life is fair. Do you relaly think this is the work of a caring god? But you say this world doesn't matter; it's just the inconvenience of having to stand on line while we wait to geet ino the awesome rock concert of heaven. O.K., if it doesn't matter, why does it exist? And even if it doesn't matter, why does it look like this? Do you really think this is the fingerprint of a gentle god? No, I think that whatever we came from, we're on our own in this.

[lter, less rehearsed thought:
And growing up. Feeling the anxiety of the guilt instilled in you throughout childhood--and being able to address it.

So, just to put it down, the point of all these musings is this general story arch (cut in and added currently last part of the very ragged and unread Plot page):

The humans built a few, formidable space-oriented platforms that fought on increasingly large scale. Scales that were measured in AUs before they made the jump. Another calamatous moment in history--as it often is for species who first make it.
And so those who already have keep an eye out for those moments. They may end up reeeeally mattering some day. (Humans are--I forget which--the fifth fire? Anyway, not all of those previous fires were speices making the jump, but at least two were (one resulted in the slave Falcons (whatever I called them).) And turns out there is more out there than we realized. We felt kinda like Columbuses. Or his financers. We saw a whole new world (like seein through a microscope or telescope for the first time) and that it could be ours. Others saw us, and thought otherwise.
Some moved in early and well, like the Succubi whom we still just kinda don't see even though Blattids even tell us is' embarrassing how much we miss.
The Good, who come in a silvery discus, look so handsomly like us we really oughta think it's just too much of a coincidecne but don't because we like what we see of ourselves in them. The Good who never are really seen and keep it that way. Whose tech far surpasses all. Who give us tech and don't fuck with us until we start a (inevitable) war with the Blattids, at which point the Good have all these tiny little ships appear and tur off all our Good tech (and a few others--I mean, in what court are you going to sue the Good?) Whose tech is interwoven with the slave Falcons (man why can't I remember them?) in the Falcon ship that warps into our dimension.
The Blattids who've reverse engineered themselves down to near extinction and back so that what evolves is nearly assured to evolve back into a smart, hardy, and entrepeneuring species--even if they didn't worry so much about what kind of species that would be. And who engineered themselvs downward, too, so that the smaller their gene pool--intentionally--the more Shylock the children. More cunning and base and those who are not going to die first. And who are engineered to evolve ethics and executive functions. ; )
And how the humans have to get their shit together after another cultural revolution and adapt their weapon systems pdFq to a new terrain. And how I am going to fkip a coin to see who wins--the Blattids or we.
And how if doesn't matter because: Did we really think that all there were out there were animals?! Like Dave the gay paleontologist said to a fossil I found: It's a plant. "How do you know?," I asked. "Because look at a forest. What do you see? Plants." And so plants shoot by us. In space. Pretty freaky, huh? We're so into using them in our war that those who ask from whense it came are underfunded.
They were fleeing (in space, plants can flee--something those who live here know). The point is, of course, what they were fleeing. The space monster (not like there are growth limits in space) that comes and eats us all. Well, all us humans; the other species knew to get out of the way.
The end.
(Well, except for a few humans who knew to flee and/or fled, and who now struggle (I guess to the end--either end) with the choice between perpetual slavery to the Blattids and a likely death.)
So, see? There is a plot. Well, at least that much. Which hasn't changed in decades.

Sorry, but I do think I need protangonists. I just can't think plot without liking my characters, and I guess I'm that judgemental that some have to be "good" and I can't help liking them more.

Wow, for my first time ever, I let myself listen to "other" YouTube ads. After Lill Simz, what I at first thought was another one of those songs, with images of a reeeeeally Black Man with some sort of repulsivley vain fur coat and jewelery that's not gaudy only because there's no taste. Then a Bollywood love song followed by an older ex-smoker woman's voice narrating a story about St. Jude's something-a-bit-more-spriritual-than-swindling cause to helpl kids orphaned by ugly Orcas or something.
Cut into an ad I let play muted as I wrote, and it was saying (I shit you not): "You can't remove teh sebum plugs completely"

The "protomolecule" is a really good idea. Something so alien we struggle to uindedrstand it. Andit might be helpful, it might be hamrful (probably harmful), so it sure looks powerful. [O.K., that sounds less cool than when I initially thought it.]

My monument to my weakness, this deepening pile of past thoughts.

Anyway, A woman facing an issue, says to her man, "You can't help me with this." Yeah, well done The Expanse. I couldn't do better to portray the mind of a good woman. (well, one type of that)

Amazon is like a bad but needy girlfriend: She'll give you all she's got, and that's none of what you want.

"He's as slippery as a lemon seed."

Boy, this page needs pruning.
And yet instead I add.
And am surprised that (if) I haven't written this already.
The basic series of events is this:

Attach of the Really Big Space Monster: The Game

[And yes, whatever the title actually is, it must be that corny.]

I'm thinking of making this not into a book. (No, I mean not only knowing it'll never amount to anything, but also orienting this towards a final product isn't a book.)
A role playing game.

With Chaoism-like skills and combat mortaility. (You can get killed in any fight there. There's always a chance. Which is why Stormbringer worked so well there.)

But with not only scenarios but scenes.

Yeah, one of those over-produced dungeon packs that came out when AD&D really had jumped teh shark. Drzid Duardin or some shit. Those overcompensating scenario packs.
That were still better than the giant campaign. Just a meat grinder. Where the only strategy needed was to leave the dungeon for a bit. Gygax's invention: Enemy fodder that doesn't spread the alarm of your arrival.

That being the key to combat here. Positioning. Because detection is hard, but weapons now so lethal that you only ever have three HP ("wounded," "severly wounded," and "somehow crippled"). Even in relatively close combat (e.g., urban warfare), it's still always about detection.

Like Fei's Great Lunge exemplifies with needing to think and move fast and think as far ahead of ambient information as you can. Know where to aim. And stretches this vast and with melee reflexes this fast, key to combat here is being in the right place at the right time. If you hit, you may well win. If you also aren't hit, you may also not loose.

So combat mechanics is a small game of positioning. In a role playing game, a game of chess with turn timers determined by the situation in the game (maybe having iniative means your turn 1 is X longer).

I'm obviuosly both far from saying exactly what that'd look like and no where hearer to where it would ever matter, but a board game of sorts, with peices that do indeed represent players on the field (so, yeah, I guess this is also one of those miniature-base games I never really got into either), and so you determine a bit which characters die (well, "enter into combat" which is something like a modifiable* D10 against 3 HP)

Degrees magnitude

It's a D10 system. Representing log10. The difference in a score in the game---between a 3 and a 4, say---is meant to represent one order of magnitude. Something changing enough in quality that is changes in quantity. "Wounded" versus "severly wounded." But it also represents a D10 role. So, for what it's worth, it's a log universe decided by "decile" probability. The game mechanics are geared to there being a few really improbable events happening. But for there then to be scenarios were nothing usual happens; you each loose X HP (X bveing whatever would have been the numbers of peices eacxh side would have, no other mods. So, if at that location you had 3 pieces, they each have 3 HP. No other HPs or OPsa could be added to or moved from that scenario.

Battle Play

Yeah, this is the part that'll probably never be made. Not by me, and that narrows it down quick. But still a miniature-based board game.
When you play "nornal" roleplay---interact with other players & NPCs, do things in the world, even campaign---you just RP as usual. But any time there is a battle, you've got to stop any other play and lay out the battle. Battles are serious. Maybe it's VP not HP, but in many cases of battles it's this unit and its lives. You've got to set those pieces up ("position" them in some way) and play the game out, or tell some computer to fight it for you and tell you who won and with what cost. (And, yes, presuming players include Deciders, the AI the player uses to calculate that battle is the one you're Second-Avatar to. Most do about the same, but some---like H0---do a heck of a lot better. (But, yeah, the makers of the game---I mean the actual board-game I for one won't ever make---ought to have the actual game playable through differents Ais. All Human players get an Ai, but you've got to somehow be a "spwcial player" to have more than a 9° Ai---an Ai that has a 10% chance of moving 1 OP. That's the Ai that is available to any Human anywhere (well, within any Human-occupied space. Any other space, there is either at least a 8° Avatar spent for and sent, or there is no Ai in play for Humans.

The OP of an Ai

This might already be too granular, but the role of an Ai in a scenario's OP is based on a probability. Well, a reduction of probablity: The level of the highest Avatar that appears anywhere in that sceenario is used to modify the OP of that whole scenario. If there are 20 OP for a given scenario, they are usually divided evenly between players

(any equalities are rounded, so net less 1 OP to one player)
but Ais can move OPs from one side to the other.
  1. Role D10
  2. If there is an Ai whose degree is less than the die role, then let that Ai player arrange themselves up to 10 - Ai° OP not only across moments in the scenario, but also across players in the scenario.
So, yeah, essentially a player with an Ai roles a die against there Ai for more points for their side:
Example: Min has a 2° Ai in this scenario. There's a Decider in play, whose comes with their assigned 2°. She roles a 3, which is higher than her Ai°, so her side gets 8 OP and the other side(s) has 8 fewer OP. If there is one other side, they loose 8; two other sides, they each loose 4. Three other sides, they each get 2 (always round inequality one point down).
If Min had roled a 1 or a 2, though, she would not have been able to move any OPs. So, yeah, I guess I should have said it was essentially a skill shot.