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Created Saturday 27 April 2019

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Or hide the sensors. Make the whole body flexible enough that any part isn't but could quickly be senstivie enough to be a sensor. No eyes on the asttacdk the block sperm beast

NB-Human Relationships

NB Seed Bank

"I think about the bad things that I didn't do."

General Relationships with Dech

After teaching two classes of future Ph.D.s and dedicating a wire hanger to be the digger, after realizing it could be bent to fit just fine hanging inside the bowl
Tanja or something a bit like that
Primarily good, but sometimes obscure enough not to be sure. It is a world where there are parasites (what is it? most organisms are parasites or something like that), but---so far---those are introduced species: ones humans put there on purpose. Yeah, now there's also the Sleepwalkers, but they know better than to cause waves before they're well anchored.
But for the most part, it's complementary. AI etc. does what we don't do well and lets us do what we do well and what we want to do even if we suck.
Nonetheless, there are levels of AI--how "human" it is. As you'd expect--as was true of dogs and cats--the AIs that play well with humans are the more ubitquitous. But---like Cyril winning that high school economics games by focusing on the smaller market--a market that could be capitalized--the more powerful AIs--the more non-human AIs capable of greater "complementation" are those that primarily speak Terse Modelian.

Of course computers think in inerently mathematical ways. Sure, our brains do, too, in a action potential summation sort of way, but it has to be different. AI brains are still---and will be for many many generations---simpler in structure than human brains. What? Four or five elements if you count rare earth metals as byte switches, but you have to go down pretty nearly to the deep-ocean-like layer of quantum foam to get to a binary nature of human thought--down so far it's only now being useful to computers here (just read article today that Alphabet (how presumptuous a name) just used a quantum computer to accurately simulate a chemical reaction as they're likely really done best to our understanding of it.)
And that's the mission of Modelian, all dialectics: To strive to conceive of models tht can model the real world to quantum precision. Well, technically Modelian is the writing of that to models--the model output in fact--and not the process of model estimation, but I digress too far.
Terse Modelian is an especailly inhuman ("low level," like C) dialect. In fact, it's essentially the original model language---all -2LLs and six-digit $\chi$^2^s---in its current form. It speaks just human enough for those taught it to understand. It gets you the rawest AI that can thus mesh as the best complementation to human thought. A well-trained and -fed human mind coupled with a well-modelled AI (fed on the richest diets of the rawest, real-world data) is the greatest power humans can bring. These are the true knights / samurai / cataphracts / chariots that humans can muster to an army. They are the field tacticians and advisors to the Four-Star Strategists who lead those armies.
The Strategies bring a yet-unmodellable intuitiion and "gut" to not ony battles but more to whole wars. They also not only have a type of knowledge still much less well understood than it's relied upon, but also---frankly---some humanity, some sense of ethics and principles. (Most don't realize that, and Strategists don't exactly ooze warm puppies, but they are revered among their peers only if they are also seen as ethical.]

[Man, I feel good about how rarely I need a mouse. It is a good feeling to move fast and freely through your terrain.]
[And now actually listening to M. Monique, it is a bit campy what she does. But she does build a good crecendo---even if it is to a naive overlook---and you sure can move to it.]


Battle AIs can get shell-shocked---so built around combat that they rewrite themselves out of being able to interact safely with evne other AIs. These shocked AIs often hold very important intel about warfare, but it's hrad getting it out; even recon AIs sent in to learn can become shell-shocked, too. Often armies have to cut their losses and install a fresh, vanilla AI. This happened to the first Hägge in the Battle of ____, and the other AI on the second planet had to also defend itself against that first Hägge.