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Created Wednesday 08 March 2023

So, I'm thinking 100 AU, and maybe (errily) exactly that. Which apparently is 0.001581256 light years. So, what? 13 hours 53 minutes. That's how far back in time the eruption begins that rushes in to the Flashback the moment it shoots.
So, just to have it, the formula for how far back it will shoot at various AUs is:

	au <- 100
	seconds <- au * 500
	minutes <- seconds / 60
	hours <- minutes / 60
	days <- hours / 24
	years <- days / 365.25
	hours.integer <- floor(hours)
	minutes.extra <- (hours - floor(hours)) * 60
	seconds.extra <- (minutes.extra - floor(minutes.extra)) * 60
	time <- c(hours.integer, "hours", floor(minutes.extra), "minutes", format(round(seconds.extra), 2, nsmall = 2), "seconds")