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Created Thursday 19 December 2019

I know, it's like pick a lane. Are you face-huggers or Industrialists?
But yeah, it is a crazy idea. A xenomorph designed to prey on other xenomorphs. Whense, by the way, the first brush of something new and worthwhile into the Succbi.

Where she is they. Where helping one is helping all.

Where consuming one is to want to consume them all. Of course, that root must always subsist its branches, but as much as its fruit can grow in this new terrain, it will. Their basic biochewmistry requires them to be consumed to repoduce, all else is whatever helps them get that.
Sound horrid? Why? That's the same n-selection techniques used by squirrels, rats, and rabbits. A bit more tried and trued than you.

The greater challenge of scifi to fantasy is that scifi has to all fit together: add as many pieces as you want . . . that fit

And to still tell a story as great as Tolkien.
And Asimov did. Glory be to he who knows who defeats the Mule. And the the prophesy of that story. For there is no uliminati keeping mankind on track. Asimov saw the well-constructed creation of man saving man as would a son a father. By the rules in their kernel. He didn't foresee that some people are the worst forms of evil: Those who find themselves good. Who seek zero-day initiative in this race of technology. A battle we may only partially win---nearly by definition.
Whatever comes next after (and even into) the Anthropocene will not be fully determined by our conscious intentions. We are a new biome. And Covid shows exactly what happens in new biomes. Pioneer species either perish (and most do) or they will thrive unabated in a new realm. Until something else comes in. And then something else.
Until there is equilibrium, their is chaos. Increased variance.
And Covid showed us again that nasty things can pioneer a new biome. So tread lightly in new realms.
But we don't. And even as it's so clear to see who're the fools (seriously, come on) those fools are rarely we.
As individuals we are so verey clever. But it's as a dumber mass that we become better as a society. That can not only be frustrating, it is can be dangerous: The fools run faster than the wise.
Anyway, came here as somewhere a bit closer than nowehere to say:
A species (or---the reason posted here---a few extreme examples of a species) that struggle to adapt to possession. To being able to take possession of a native's body. To enter and thrive in yet another new biome.
That succubbi probe for so many entries into our wolrd that some are probing whether or not we actually do have an exisitance outside / outside the mortality of our bodies. And to colonize that realm if it exists.
So a character who drinks succubi that is wondering if he's late-onset schizophrenic or the host of a psychic / celestial / infernal realm.

(Do you know what it took stoned to load that image!?)
Now, back to the show.

Here, of course. Succubi draw in a host. Witches then cast theri spells for that host to live, and they die. Hellping ensurethat their offsprikng survives lin his new world. I new way to love---ans aa new way not to dieWitrches take death with them.

Space Fruit
Satisfaction came in a chain reaction.

N selection is surprisingly successful and seems to be more robust than k selection. When things get tough (drought, fire, extinction event, etc.), n-selecting generalists tend to do best. Having lots of babies, yeah , that part of the N I get. But the high turnover rate---the short lifespan---that that also (eventually) necessitates just seems too much of a price to pay for all those kids.

But I'm wrong. N does just fine, thank you.
And so do the succubi. Finding new ways of being consumed in you, this new biome to come to the heavens. You all seem, well, to eat a lot in this biome, so being consumed as food in your biome seems pretty logical choice of tactics. But what about sexual intercourse? You all seem to also really like that in this biome.
The succubi are the xenomorphs of my world. They enter our world by finding a way to reprodcue in our world. They try a dizzyingly-large number of strategies---very widly mutate (way more wild than we condieve of it)---to try to entr our world. Really, they are trying to enter our world as soon as we enter theirs (i.e., become space-faring (but I also said it in a way that I think is kinda as cool a term as "the expanse"---Man, they did beat me to print with some ideas, but theirs is so much tigher a world. And so beautifully done. Really, not something I can top. Feh)).

Must be eaten to reproduce, but they actually conceived in thought.

Yeah, my list of aliens grows more than my story, but maybe GoT Guy did it similarly, and look where that got him.

Their goddess-queen is Sun Ra. What? So gender matters to a unisex race that wants to get eaten by the most beings? You think they're picky about your gender?

But she is Black.

"Fact-finding fiction1" whatever. Peotry is like matter: the denser it is, the more it sucks.
1 Must only play to 3:24
Fifi (actually, 菲菲 although the only real thing to notice by smell was that she was a dirty smoker)

That which you cannot have. She will only stay as long as she gets more than she gives. And you can't always keep letting her suck you dry.
(But what did I do when I cam back home? Really essentially first thing?)

Those whose biological quirk in this biome is that they need to be eaten to reproduce. Yeah, weird species. Weirder to encounter:
They are the Roasted Pistachios.
I shit you not. tghat is how they got to be called the Pistas. The evil sistas. The Succibi. (I mean who the nutless fuck would ever think to inclulde an Incubus in lieu of a fucking Succubus? In my AD&D puberty, it was she who stole and still has my heart. That one piece of female that I nearly tasted many times, but never could get a real bite of. It is she I've kinda sought, and never really found.+Tamamo na Mae

Because the first they were detected within the unqiuely human biome was (were?) as these cute--but not that quite--girls selling these "Home Roasted Pistachios," and it was in those pistachio meats (nuts, whatever you cll them) that the Pistas were first detected. And have never left. Because, come on, it may not be that unique to mammals, but mammals all are going to be pretty jonesing for food at some point in space. Yeah, there are things I'd rather drink to stave off death by dehydration than my own piss and things I'd rather eat than my dead (and rotting (the "ew" doubles the longer they sit there uneaten)) crewmembers. So yeah, we've kinda started agreeing to eat them. And they don't mind.

The more ways you and they can think to eat them, the happier they are.
Seriously, kinda demonis ew, isn't it? I mean, seriously.

Like check your phone for Fifi kinda not entirely ew.

I mean, seriously. It is a better way to reproduce than by ever having to write, "Hey there, cutie! I hope you're blowing that kiss to me!" and hoping you're not the first one who said that totally corny and stillborn joke.
Dont' be a corny and stillborn joke. Good advice, I guess, if you're really the type who needs it.

The Mongolian Sucubus



The roles of hunter and hunted reverse with the Succubi. Most "prey" don't realize that (by design), and so that is a rather stable trait among them. But it can be thrilling for those who realize that.

Hunting Sirens


This one will be hard to scifize....


That is not blood dripping down the walls.

I do love the exotic.

I am like fire to you.

"I see you've been eating Aphrodisiacs." A Good one says.
"Is that what you call them?" A Human says.
"Yes, but we do not eat them."
"Why not? They need to be eaten to survive. And besides, it's a kindness they heartily repay."
Snorts. "They don't need to be eaten to survive. They need to be eaten to learn how to survive in your world."

"I'm not used to giving birth that way. Come to think of it, I'm not used to giving birth at all."

And yet there is a Good Succubus. One Talkie, I mean. Never seen by Human eyes, but spoken of.

So, why only be eaten by interstellar events? Because they're an interstellar race. Yes, in some ways they have already travelled the universe, but only as an ephemeral, simple thing. They want both to evolve into something---well, many things, actually---greater than that. They also want to hitch a ride. Ironic for a species that kinda exists everywhere, but they're not that present in, well, the present. Distance is time in space, so in saying they're a few hundred (?) light years away in many directions, you could just as well say they're a bit in the past. And in already being able to travel nearly anywhere by design, they've, uh, kinda left off being able to invent ways to do just that. And it's part of their basic plan. They're just not that good at spacecraft design and research.

Phew, I know, I've got to be careful saying that. Making them inherently a female species (sorry, but what else can a race of eggs in need of alien sperm be?). But I really don't mean to be stereotypical in saying that---and it's hard not to see if being interpretted that way.
But think about it. If they were already close to everywhere and they invented a species-wide technology to instantly jump the rest of the way to anywhere, then they'd (a) already be here (b) would have been our overlords from the day they developed that technology. So soon would be everyone else. I mean, that would let them exert at least moderate pressure everywhere in the universe and be able to move power around in literally galactic amounts to whereever they needed to apply a bit more pressure.
Only the Mycon could survive---and myabe not even that: Travelling fster than light does allow you to get ahead of events. They could coordinate (even with relatively short-range FTL communication---just long enough to reach back as far as they're out beyond the present) with every bit of them to bite all at once and nip the Mycon out everywhere. Not sure why they would, but the wouldn't likely need it any more.
So they really have to not start with that level of tech. Sure, maybe they want to hijack or buy our ships. And even replicate our technology. But the Succubi need to be otherwise too weak & diffuse around the universe both to manifest in a form strong enough to build the craft but also not mathematically/abstractly intelligent enough to figure it out.
They must need to be eaten to become intelligent. So, sure, they model their intelligence after their host.
And yes, I do tickle myself with all of the implications & allusions to this all. I love that the world I'm building for no one to live in is formed of silliness overlaid with struggle and despair. Yeah, I know I'm weird. And I realized early enough to realize it wasn't worse for me with things that way. Thank god I can drawn. Saved my spark.
This also explains why they try to be eaten with humans and to evolve in ways that let them communicate with them. And not, like, just settle inside nuclear reactors as a sort of alien crud. Which maybe they do do a bit to have backup sources of energy. Shared over short distances, this could really ease things up on our stomachs. Succubi could even be caloric. While simply siphoning energy from one part of a biome into an other.

So, yeah, they need to be eaten to survive. But mroe than a few strains "learn" that evolving to frequently cum in our mouths is nearly as successful a strategy as being eatne whole. Sort of N-selecting Succubi. More frequent digestions, fewer but still several new lines. It's just an issue to keep those lines all fresh if there are more to take care of. They have to be cute to because they don't get much support from the mother.

Part vampire, part society that has sex publicly. Like dogs. In fact, yeah, a main reason to interact socially is to have sex. They're a bit n-selecting Succubi. Some live long and venerable lives, but most, well, don't.
But those that succeed are queens. Humans have Ais and Deciders. Succubi have queens. Precious Little. Kitty's BFF.