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Decider Destroyers

Created Sunday 04 December 2022

Yeah, going with Decider Dreadnaught would have been both more accurate and expected. So they all used to be destroyers, the best that could be commisioned back in the day.
Now, of course, they're nearly whatever a Decider wants it to be.

Although Short-Term Decisions are commisioned a Ferris. Some keep their +Ferris after they've made their first Defensible Decision.

- "Mine? Nah, mine's whoolrich plaid with day-glo green flames."

- A doudy craft, shaped like a beetle and painted like a pool of oil.

- Its siloutte cut the shape of a grim battle-axe, and it was crawling with macabre orange and black hallowe'en images. The Brethren's ship.

- A classic Tin Tin rocket, right down to the red-and-white barber's stripes twisting to a flag on its nose cone

- A spinning noob tube, the polarized siding was such that a huge image of Muybridge's horse (made into a Pegasus on the craft) perpetually galloped on its side.

- Painted with swirling jumble of Georgia O'Keefe-like flowers, fruit, leaves, roots, and spore in saturated colors rich like after a soaking rain. As twisted and abstract as the images were, all the vegetation was scientifically accurate, with a terrestial orchid crowning the nose.