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The Empire

Created Sunday 10 July 2022

The former Republic of Pan-Atlantia
Human society is at an other cultural extinction event. The thriving of cultures up to that moment---an other Revolution1---were about to have many wiped out. They were going to have this anyway. And then came the Trifids and Succubi (and the Succubi giving them relativistc drive (that probably very laughable idea of shunting mass into other ones of those Kalabi-Yao manifolds). But since they got that "orbital jump" worth of esccape velocity, humans have been hurtling forward headlong and socially dizzied because of it. Of not really knowing where they were going or what they were getting into. An event that presents to them the chance not only to speciate into something smarter, but to maybe be able to choose what that added inteligence should look like. Actively advocate selecting for it.

Or dying off. Speciating into something that doesn't survive. Mayve we can never be space-faring creatures. Maybe we're not cut out to evolve into that. We die here. And we speak stories about the one who got away.

Yeah, so this is a Human culture in ascendance. Which can't but be punctuated with misdeeds done by the yet-to-be-shed evils of the past age. But it is not that past age. It is Renaissance after the Dark Ages. And dark ages are conservative. And there are always those who want them, just times when the Leviathan is strong enough to tame and cull them.