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Created Saturday 26 August 2023

Weapons are organized into grades/magnitudes:

Personel Combat

Degree Examples Notes
1 Weapons of last resort, e.g., Succubi stings, pistols, bayonettes, broken bottles, bare-chested barbarians, etc.  
2 Melee, e.g., glaive, katana, trained open-hand combat, SMG, shotgun, stungun, carbine, Blattid psionics  
3 Classic anti-personel ballistics (rifles, machine gun); Flasbacks  
4 Modern anti-personel ballistics (inter-offing rifles); Dousing rods  
5 Anti-personel γ-guns; AM slugs γ-guns usually loose OPs when re-attacking a gasy position to bloom
6 Tactical propulsives (e.g., missiles discluding nukes, etc.), Least Weasels  
10 Higher-order weaponry, e.g., building- or ship-level weapons used on personelle-level battles In addition to having a base 10, these often have additional attack OPs they can use

Building, Vehicular, & Ship Combat

Degree Examples Notes
1 Weapons of last resort, e.g., impulse drives, flak  
2 Point defense (e.g., hardened machine gun nests, anti-AM γ-guns)  
3 Tertiary weapons; Flashbacks  
4 Secondary weapons  
5 γ-guns  
6 AM rockets  
7 Cruise missiles, self-guiding torpedos  
8 Nukes; Planet-Tethered System Defense (Flashback cannon); Hägg defenders (Snails, Urchins, & Crabs) Nukes are usually placed in an area and detonate after X turns
9 Hägg cannon  
10 AM converters; jump flashes AM conerters typically have to be manually placed and initiated

Special Rules for Different Weapons & Weapon Types


4°: Max range/mag is just into the offing. Some distance over the horizon when not blocked by obatcles
3°: Next is line of sight (assuming vision that can penetrate to the horizon, so really to the offing)
2°: Next is firefight range
1°: Last is melee/last resort


Dousing Rods


Hunter-Seekers Least Weasels


AM converters

Humans do chemistry well (it turns out). And one of the innovations was macroscopic conversion between matter and antimatter. Normally done in very controlled settings, specialized converters can nonetheless be made that cause a self-perpetuating wave of partial conversions from matter to anti-matterpropelled forward by the energy of the anihilaiton of that matter/anti-matter stew right behind it. It's a very wonky technology, though that usually fails, so (outsicde of those used by the Chocolate Elvis), their chance roles are inverted (antimatter, get it?), needing a 1 (not a 10) to succeed.

Jump flashes

A system that either is really pissed off or has it back against the wall may use its jump point like a really long range artillery gun, firing raw mass through points calculated to be within the lethal range of populated points in the target system. Outsude of telegraphic snapshots from entangled sensors sent through as part of the "progjectile," it's hard to tell how accurate these massively expensive rounds are. So, although they're deadly if accurate, their usage costs loads of OPs to use. In addition, the player has to spend OPs (not APs) to recon, part of which is to prepare and send a robot with sensors enough to read the ambient information to send back. Outsdie of these, the attacker is firing on a constantly foggy map.
Still, would make for a cool late-campaign battle scenario.


Incandescent Blooms

Bloom Dissipation