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Created Friday 11 August 2023

Why did that have to be such a hard word to type?

Winning campaigns gains foresight. Yes, the foresight inferred in OPs for winning, but also 1 foresight point.

Because there are two levels of skills.

  1. Scenario-advancing.
    1. Things easy enough to learn on the fly. Only some fraction of these are preserved, though; you loose them nearly the same (reverse) order they were learned (i.e., loose the latecst one first).
    2. These also tend to be more knowledge-based and defense-related skils
  2. Cangpaign-advancing.
    1. The main character's primary skills goes up one after each campaign until level 9. Lots of level 9s means your canpaigns proably don't have a random winner ()p = 0.004. Maybe that's less fun for the other half.
    2. 1 foresight point. (So, O.K., you do gain a growing edge pretty quich, whatever I end up saying that is. So maybe need to balance it out or mix it up. But whatever it is, I better do just that.
      1. Rote reaction is towards that final flip.
        1. Maybe something like this: "Fate or folly." Yeah, these foresight points are towards Final Roll. Iinstead of ≲5 Blattids win; ≥6 Humans. 1 FP (or whatever) changes that to, e.g., ≲4 for Blattids by Humans winning a campaign.
        2. But the loser gets a Folly Point, just so I can't always be doing these XPs where X is who knows what. Anyway, not sure with this either. Maybe how long your species re-evolves space tech to go back to war? Blow up the whole world and make both sides start from scratch. Is that too much? Is that the Really Big Space Monster?
          1. Oh, and the folly bastard stars off with one Folly Point. (Otherwise, folly points don't carry over between worlds)