14  Melee

How melee range is measured depends on the magnitude of the fight. Something like:

Table 14.1: Melee Ranges for Various Weapons & Degree
Magnitude Description Melee Distance
1 Handheld and physical contact
2 Classical ballistics (slings to SMGs)
3 Classical artillery & modern ballistics
4 Heavy rockers & planetary artillery
5 Void ambient Kinda arbitrarily1 set to 10 light seconds, or 1.86 million miles / 0.02 AU / 9.7 \(\times\) 10-8 parsecs

14.1 Stellar

The Expanse had it right again. That is what space melee combat would look like (without the ships getting as close as they made for dramatic effect).

  • Mass weapons (bullets; AM rockets; heck, I guess even nukes since they need to get physically close enough to irradiate; so anything with a mass chassis) get +2 attack APs
  • Defensive APs have a chance to accumulate over rounds of melee combat.
    • After any attack misses, the attacker must make a successful all-or-naught recon roll. Success means no AP increases and any accumulation is ended. Failure means the defender gains +1 defensive AP; these APs can accumulate without end for that melee combat (and of course, restricted to that scenario)
      • Why, you ask? Because in space, speed kilts. Think about it. Space is big, even bigger’n the Space Monsters. So either you’re going really fast, or you’re essentially just sitting there. And seriously, it wouldn’t take a power energy weapon to eventually wear down an opponent who will intercept your position in how four weeks. If you’re somehow going in an advantageous direction (back lit by radiation, occluded by dust) you’re probably also going that way really fast.
      • So yeah, Coursers make this recon roll at +1
  • Blinkerblasters can leave melee at any time, including to break this chain.
  • If any Blinkerblaster not in melee with a target unit hits that unit, then any Blinkerblaster that is in melee with that target unit gains +3° on all attacks next round (including itself if it is subsequently in melee with that target unit. Flashbacks saw it coming.

  1. But not entirely since I’m thinking of making a round 10 seconds.↩︎