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The Final Battle

Created Sunday 10 July 2022

The one I flip a coin for. Haven't decide yet on which coin, or if the humans loosing should be heads or tails. I mean, I'd reflexively think tails, them being generally things that looked down upon. But having our head on a coin, that's pretty French.

So, I think the Final Battle had to be either them making a Hail Mary attack to destroy earth or us making a Hail Mary attack to destory their home world. In any case, a major thesis here the need for a home world. That a species dies without one. Sure, the idea of bveing a space-faring species is no longer having a home world (that brilliant moment I think in the Foundation Triology (it's certainly something by Asimov) when the main character on a whim wonder where humans came from---like someone today might wonder where cows came from---and looks it up. Oh, and there it is: There's our home world.

And of the phrase---I forget by whom---of humans venturing out into space with our pets and pests. I do think it was Asimove who also had it there that the reason to look up where we came from was because they wondered why all of the animals on the various planets were the same. Well, because humans went and terraformed the hell out of whatever was there. There ain't much left in human space but humans.

And that's happening to us here on earth! The Anthropocene means there's not much here but us. Humans going into space (first through the Succubi tech and then through their ability to find enough energy to punch holes through space) and trying to survive as a species out there. Is like us having to survive the Anthropocene ourselves.

So, yeah, I'm thinking that maybe the Final Battle is humans en masse migrating to a new planet being used as an authentic decoy to lure enough Blattids out into harsh space while we destory their home world.
But remember, Balttids don't go extinct easily. So even if they loose the Final Battle, it's not the lasts battle ever. That, of course, only happens when there's nothing left alive to fight. The Blattids can survive the Final Battle nearly for sure. The Humans I'm less sure of.
Because even though each species has only one home world that ensures their survival, some have evolved to survive in space longer and maybe even set up a new home world elsewhwere. Thing is, that takes a while. Millenia. So, only the Good have any real experience with that. So, the Blattids could survive loosing the Final Battle, but if the HUman loose, then the wild strain of Humans could well die out. All Humans would be Blattid pets. I mean, if nothing else, the Blattids would be breeding humans to hunt down wild humans (or maybe just each other---good enough if they also are bred to seek out distant and hard-to-find humans. That's the sort of Human Blattids would breed.