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Jump Points

Created Thursday 23 December 2021

Human jump dech requires a lot of energy. Whole planets worth of energy are consumed in just a handful of jumps. So, systems that serve s jump points, well, may not serve as them for too long.

One strategy the humans use is to find rogue planets, red dwarfs, etc. as temporary jump points. These can be a sort of wiold card that can let humans stetch to new locations or flexible coordinate attacks, but not so often. the advantage is that they really don't need to be protected or worried about exhausting so much. Essentially, if this was a card game, this would be a pretty good card for the human playter to have in their in hand to extend their range to a given location for a couple of rounds of play and without having to invest forces in defending it: If the opposing player epends a turn (or some other card) to attack it, the "rogue planet" card would be taken out of play but no (significant) forces lost.

In established Human systems, jump points are nearly always set at the end of a space elevator / rail gun that the local MULEs sling the rocks to. (mass for the jumps' energy)