Created Saturday 18 January 2020
Iron Giants
The original idea. And even this was after considerable thought; I still am not satisfied with what can/should fit into this platform concept. Not that I have to fill it, but Archer is about all I have to go with, and heavy infantry is core to a lot of that.
My third idea (the belatedly-named Grinders my second).
And I like this. So, HI in this conceptualization is nearly defined as area of control. A set of platforms that (mix & matched) are used to control a space: They are nearly defined then as less mobile & primarily defensive. They certainly can move, but at a slower pace.
- So, here, the Iron Giants, yeah, are meat shields. They didn't start as that (unless that was the idea in the movie), but they do fit the role that concept does in modern video games.
- The Grinders are vanguards and those "first unto the breach" and---I forget it now---but the dieas from back when about those rewarded for volunteering for this role. So, yeah, the adoration of Marines like we have today lampooned as the farce that is
- With Simos doing most of the actual control
And, yeah, maybe the most frequent role of heavy infantry is to allow Häggs to establish themselves.
The Simos and Iron Giants both have jump suits.
They're nearly as expensive as Iron Giants. And much less massive, and so sent in relatively large numbers: You send in as many Iron Giants as the jump allows, and fill in the rest of that space with as many Simos as you can cram.
[Written on stoning olive oil to Physical Graffitti]
- Inter-offers
- High-calibre (somehow) recoilless-and-nearly-silent railguns, these are the standard issue to Simo, the backbone of Human heavy infantry. They are called so because they can in fact accurately fire good deal past the offing. Like several hundred miles off-inter^[Or off inter if you want. They can shoot at things beyond the horizon.] in most atmospheres.
- (Hm. I just looked up how far the horizon is. A lot closer than I thought. That does change things, nearly most importantly in that I really like this name for these. Awright, well, I guess it's in-World to justify that this is an archaic name back from when this first became a main aspect of infantry warfare (which is kinda right now, frankly, so even that etymological clock is ticking.
- Maybew it's not that lethal. The offing can just be the edge of ambient info
- High-calibre (somehow) recoilless-and-nearly-silent railguns, these are the standard issue to Simo, the backbone of Human heavy infantry. They are called so because they can in fact accurately fire good deal past the offing. Like several hundred miles off-inter^[Or off inter if you want. They can shoot at things beyond the horizon.] in most atmospheres.
- Prairie dogs
- Hardy, cheap, and light, these feisty robots are even the size of prairie dogs. A Simo is usually issued six of them (because that easily fits this hexagonal (yeah, of staggered square) grid world^[And yeah, I feel a little cliche using hexes to represent teh future since sooooo many games and shows do that, too. But hexes/staggered sqaures are a good-enough way to atomize a tactical, 2D map. Their ease of deployment (even between systems) and rugged cuteness are offset by the fact that they can't do much. They recon for the heavies. That's it.
Yeah, Led Zeppelin is a country band, aren't they? I mean, that's the door they came through into what they are. And what they are is unique. Much copied, but still its own.
That is a pretty cool concept. Having swords as arms. O.K. That per se is stupid. But the diea behind it is pretty cool. Being born required to always carry a particular weapon system. You really would eiteher learn to live with it--in a "this is my gun, there are many like it but this is the only one they would give me" sorta way--or you'd die from, like, a bullet wound to the inner thigh or some stupid shit.
And you would know that way to die--or not to--better than anyone else alive. Yeah, the kind of skill you'd need for heavy infantry. But I'm still not sure what weapon that'd be. γ-Guns just don't have that puescent feel. Something else--more atmospheric. Rail guns? Tactical nukes? Chemical weapons? Yeah. I think chemical. Chemists bruisers. Adam with his shit nearly together? Girondi? Hm. I dunno.
O.K., so one thing that has always characterized heavy infantry is cohesion. It overcomes other men by being more than just one man. It is an army. Other things supplement it.
hense the differnce between heavy infantry and marines. But not necessarily to elite fantry units (those who are "stealthy as socialist, slithering up our shores, turning all our children into hooligans and whores"). But anyway, still fundamental to all infantry.
So no one weapon platform. Instead a certain core value that can adapt to any given weapon system. Even--especially--meat grinders. A (now suddenly) made-up class of weaponry designed however to kill a lot of nearby people quickly. Get in, kill lots, get out. Maximize causalties on their side, minimize those on yours, and realize the best you can hope for is better than even.
Hm, the heavies still have no soul, There's nothing here but some big dude who gets gloriously killed. And as tempting as that is to be the entire story line of heavy infantry, there are a lot of guys who took that line a little too seriously and whose kids would get rightfully kinda pissed at that if they ever understood it.
I do kinda like the chemical aspect of it. Always--especially in c amp--surrounded by a virulent shield and a field of very persistent mines.
So, yeah, heavies kitted with γ-gun shoulders and helmets (and occasionally being startled by their helmets blooming a foe without them knowing they were there). But who work in weird chemical ways they undestand well as a group but rarely enough as a member to stay alive alone.