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The Mammals

Created Thursday 19 December 2019

We're not the first stellar species to try to not only make the jump onto space, but to try to make that jump large enough that they could evolve to stay in space a while. (A while longer, and you evolve into a true members of the stellar biome.)
And just to let you know--and as you might have noticed up here--few and little have surived. So, no hard feelings if you don't, mate. Just how it works up here: If we can't live with youy, we'll live without you. And we've been having to live in this shithole up here longer than you have. And that's not a good thing for either of us--but especially for you. If you can live with that, then maybe we can live with you. But find your fucking niche and get out of our way, or we will make our way through you.
So, yeah, a kinda core plot being us as a species trying to figure out what the hell just happned to us. (Written while watching the 4th season of The Expanse, for due credit)

And while having my my first tazste of roasted pistaschios