Honest, Strong, Kind, and Wise
Status of Life Goals
Get a Ph.D.
Do something like the Peace Corps
Help someone who cannot return the favor/“Pay it forward”
Do something significant
Be happy with what I have and have done
Prepare to die
Overall Goals for This Next Phase of My Life:
Stabilize my career
Stabilize my relationship
Grow in strength (of mind and body)
Do something significant
Do something like the Peace Corps
Help someone who cannot return the favor
It’s not a time to live richly and enjoy, is it? No, now is a time to work
Exercize discipline in mind and body
Set a daily, weekly, monthly, etc. schedule and stick to it
Keep up on the system
Yeah, keep a journal like this
Keep a bed and wake-up time
Exercize, of course
Bring Min more into your life; make it work or end it if it doesn’t
Maintain and build relationships
(They do help you stick to schedules and tasks, too)
Set and enjoy free time
My strengths, weaknesses, and disposition as they relate to my career
Very bad at prioritizing tasks; easily distracted by things like making div tags to create these lists
Very bad at long-term discipline: Follow Through
I can let things go to my head
Ambitious and stubborn; I can hold on and push through
I do do good work when I put my head to it
Can be charming; make a good first impression even if I can’t follow up with persistent quality
Very agreeable, but not assertive enough in the right ways
Bullshit artist
I’ve got my head in the clouds. I’ve been working on this—and gotten better—but need to do more.
I really do want to make a difference
Look at “big pictures” . . . at the expense of minding even important details
A few thoughts after returning from Japan
Min wants two things: mother-like support/comfort and to connect with me spiritually. Me, I need—yeah, need—more love in my life. That is part of wanting a kid; the rest is, well, simply wanting that kind of relationship (I think).
Rica has come to occupy an odd part of my life. Always a momentus figure in my heart’s jungled terrain, she has come to embody sweet longing and loss. I reel from what I have lost in giving her up; and now to write to her (to try to ensure that she continues to want me to write to her) I focus my writing on loosing the self, loosing desire. She is gone, and it is because she has become so good at leaving (this world, these pangs) that I want her. And the best way I see to try to get a part of her back is to help her leave.
Yeah, ultimately I may be in a position to better find and establish an investigation into how to help the world. But for now, simply studying the mechanisms for self-efficacy, etc. in disadvantaged, urban kids is lofty enough.
My life is small. And focusing on a small but significant caste of characters only grows it.