* @version $Revision: 18172 $ */ class CommentModule extends GalleryModule { function CommentModule() { global $gallery; $this->setId('comment'); $this->setName($gallery->i18n('Comments')); $this->setDescription($gallery->i18n('User commenting system')); $this->setVersion('1.1.14'); /* Update upgrade() function below too */ $this->_templateVersion = 1; $this->setGroup('data', $gallery->i18n('Extra Data')); $this->setCallbacks('getItemLinks|getItemSummaries|' . 'getSiteAdminViews|getItemAdminViews'); $this->setRequiredCoreApi(array(7, 41)); $this->setRequiredModuleApi(array(3, 9)); } /** * @see GalleryModule::upgrade */ function upgrade($currentVersion) { global $gallery; $storage =& $gallery->getStorage(); if (!isset($currentVersion)) { $currentVersion = '0'; } else if (version_compare($currentVersion, '0.9.6', '<=') || substr($currentVersion, 0, 4) == '0.81') { /* Instead of enumerating all previous versions... */ $currentVersion = '0.9.6'; } switch ($currentVersion) { case '0': /* Initial install. Register our permissions */ $permissions[] = array('add', $gallery->i18n('[comment] Add comments'), 0, array()); $permissions[] = array('edit', $gallery->i18n('[comment] Edit comments'), 0, array()); $permissions[] = array('delete', $gallery->i18n('[comment] Delete comments'), 0, array()); $permissions[] = array('view', $gallery->i18n('[comment] View comments'), 0, array()); $permissions[] = array('all', $gallery->i18n('[comment] All access'), GALLERY_PERMISSION_COMPOSITE, array('comment.add', 'comment.edit', 'comment.delete', 'comment.view')); foreach ($permissions as $p) { $ret = GalleryCoreApi::registerPermission($this->getId(), 'comment.' . $p[0], $p[1], $p[2], $p[3]); if ($ret) { return $ret; } } foreach (array('comments.show' => 10, 'comments.latest' => 1, 'comments.moderate' => 0, 'validation.level' => 'HIGH') as $key => $value) { $ret = $this->setParameter($key, $value); if ($ret) { return $ret; } } break; case '0.9.6': /* * Remove comment.search permission included in older module versions. * As this is a composite permission we can simply remove its entry in the * PermissionSet table and not touch any item permissions. */ $ret = GalleryCoreApi::removeMapEntry( 'GalleryPermissionSetMap', array('module' => 'comment', 'permission' => 'comment.search')); if ($ret) { return $ret; } case '0.9.7': case '1.0.0': $ret = $storage->configureStore($this->getId(), array('GalleryComment:1.0')); if ($ret) { return $ret; } case '1.0.1': case '1.0.2': case '1.0.3': case '1.0.4': case '1.0.5': foreach (array('comments.show' => 10, 'comments.captcha' => 0, 'comments.latest' => 1) as $key => $value) { $ret = $this->setParameter($key, $value); if ($ret) { return $ret; } } case '1.0.6': case '1.0.7': list ($ret, $level) = $this->getParameter('comments.captcha'); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $ret = $this->setParameter('validation.level', $level ? 'HIGH' : 'OFF'); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $ret = $this->removeParameter('comments.captcha'); if ($ret) { return $ret; } case '1.0.8': case '1.0.9': case '1.1.0': case '1.1.1': $ret = $storage->configureStore($this->getId(), array('GalleryComment:1.1')); if ($ret) { return $ret; } case '1.1.2': case '1.1.3': case '': /* .mo file migration */ case '': /* Gallery 2.2.4 security release */ case '1.1.4': case '1.1.5': /* Add Akismet support */ $ret = $storage->configureStore($this->getId(), array('GalleryComment:1.2')); if ($ret) { return $ret; } case '1.1.6': /* Add CommentAddNotification class */ case '1.1.7': /* Refactored to new event registration from core API 7.34 */ case '1.1.8': case '1.1.9': /* Combined YUI libraries into a single utilities.js file */ case '1.1.10': case '1.1.11': /* Add Comment Moderation Queue Support */ $ret = $this->setParameter('comments.moderate', 0); if ($ret) { return $ret; } case '1.1.12': case '1.1.13': case 'end of upgrade path': /* * Leave this bogus case at the end of the legitimate case statements so that we * always properly terminate our upgrade path with a break. */ break; default: return GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PLUGIN, __FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf('Unknown module version %s', $currentVersion)); } return null; } /** * @see GalleryModule::performFactoryRegistrations */ function performFactoryRegistrations() { $ret = GalleryCoreApi::registerFactoryImplementation( 'GalleryEventListener', 'GalleryCommentHelper', 'GalleryCommentHelper', 'modules/comment/classes/GalleryCommentHelper.class', 'comment', array('GalleryEntity::delete', 'GalleryEntity::save')); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $ret = GalleryCoreApi::registerFactoryImplementation( 'GalleryEntity', 'GalleryComment', 'GalleryComment', 'modules/comment/classes/GalleryComment.class', 'comment', null); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $ret = GalleryCoreApi::registerFactoryImplementation( 'GallerySearchInterface_1_0', 'GalleryCommentSearch', 'comment', 'modules/comment/classes/GalleryCommentSearch.class', 'comment', null); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $ret = GalleryCoreApi::registerFactoryImplementation( 'CaptchaAdminOption', 'CommentCaptchaAdminOption', 'CommentCaptchaAdminOption', 'modules/comment/classes/CommentCaptchaAdminOption.class', 'comment', null); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $ret = GalleryCoreApi::registerFactoryImplementation( 'NotificationEvent_1_0', 'CommentAddNotification', 'CommentAddNotification', 'modules/comment/classes/CommentAddNotification.class', 'comment', array('GalleryEntity::save')); if ($ret) { return $ret; } return null; } /** * @see GalleryModule::getModuleEntityTypes */ function getModuleEntityTypes() { return array('GalleryComment'); } /** * @see GalleryModule::getItemLinks */ function getItemLinks($items, $wantsDetailedLinks, $permissions) { list ($ret, $showAll) = $this->getParameter('comments.latest'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $links = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { $itemId = $item->getId(); if (isset($wantsDetailedLinks[$itemId])) { if (isset($permissions[$itemId]['comment.add'])) { $links[$itemId][] = array( 'text' => $this->translate('Add Comment'), 'params' => array('view' => 'comment.AddComment', 'itemId' => $itemId, 'return' => 1)); } if ($showAll && isset($permissions[$itemId]['comment.view'])) { $links[$itemId][] = array( 'text' => $this->translate('View Latest Comments'), 'params' => array('view' => 'comment.ShowAllComments', 'itemId' => $itemId, 'return' => 1)); } } } return array(null, $links); } /** * @see GalleryModule::getItemSummaries */ function getItemSummaries($items, $permissions, &$template) { $ids = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { $ids[] = $item->getId(); } GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce('modules/comment/classes/GalleryCommentHelper.class'); list ($ret, $commentCounts) = GalleryCommentHelper::fetchCommentCounts($ids); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $summaries = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { $message = array(); if (isset($permissions[$item->getId()]['comment.view'])) { if (!empty($commentCounts[$item->getId()])) { $summaries[$item->getId()] = $this->translate(array('text' => 'Comments: %d', 'arg1' => $commentCounts[$item->getId()])); } } } return array(null, $summaries); } /** * @see GalleryModule::getItemAdminViews */ function getItemAdminViews($item) { $views = array(); list ($ret, $permissions) = GalleryCoreApi::getPermissions($item->getId()); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } if (isset($permissions['comment.edit']) || isset($permissions['comment.delete']) || isset($permissions['comment.view'])) { $views[] = array('name' => $this->translate('View Comments'), 'view' => 'comment.ShowComments'); } return array(null, $views); } /** * @see GalleryModule::getSiteAdminViews */ function getSiteAdminViews() { return array(null, array(array('name' => $this->translate('Comments'), 'view' => 'comment.CommentSiteAdmin'), array('name' => $this->translate('Moderate Comments'), 'view' => 'comment.AdminModerateSpam'))); } /** * @see GalleryModule::getRewriteRules */ function getRewriteRules() { $rules = array(); $rule = array(); $rule['match'] = array('view' => 'comment.AddComment'); $rule['pattern'] = 'c/add/%itemId%.html'; $rule['comment'] = $this->translate('Add Comment'); $rules[] = $rule; $rule = array(); $rule['match'] = array('view' => 'comment.ShowAllComments'); $rule['pattern'] = 'c/view/%itemId%.html'; $rule['comment'] = $this->translate('View Comments'); $rules[] = $rule; return $rules; } } ?>