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Encyclopædia Articles, &
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Curriculum Vitæ

William Ellery Samuels, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
Hunter College
Brookdale Campus
Room 424 West
425 East 25th Street
New York, New York 10010


Ph.D. Program in Nursing Science
The Graduate Center and University Center
City University of New York
365 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York 10016
ORCID: 0000-0002-4048-7007


2004, Ph.D. in Psychometrics, the University of Texas at Arlington.
Dissertation: Development of a non-intellective measure of academic success: Toward the quantification of resilience.
Supervising Professor: Ira H. Bernstein

2000, M.S. in Experimental Psychology, the University of Texas at Arlington.

1992, B.S. in Biopsychology, Juniata College.

Appointments & Positions

Assistant Professor of Research & Statistics
Hunter College
City University of New York
Jan., 2021 – present

Assistant Professor of Research & Statistics
Ph.D. Program in Nursing Science
Graduate School and University Center
City University of New York
Feb., 2020 – present

Doctoral Lecturer (2017 – 2020)
Director, Assessment and Accreditation (2007 – 2017)
School of Education
College of Staten Island
City University of New York

Director of Humane Education
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
New York, New York
2002 – 2007

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Executive Functioning & Development

  1. Samuels, W. E., Tournaki, N., Sacks, S., Blackman, S., Sacks, J., Byalin, K., & Zilinski, C. (2019). Predicting GPAs with executive functioning assessed by teachers and by the students themselves. The European Educational Researcher, 2(3), 173-194. doi: 10.31757/euer.232.
  2. Samuels, W. E., Tournaki, N., Blackman, S., & Zilinski, C. (2016). Executive functioning predicts academic achievement in middle school: A 4-year longitudinal study. The Journal of Educational Research, 109(5), 478 – 490. doi: 10.1080/00220671.2014.979913.
  3. Samuels, W. E. & Reinhartz, J. (2000). Teen voices: Insight for fostering prosocial behaviors in school. Teacher Educators’ Journal, 10(1), 11 – 27.

Animal-Assisted Education & Interventions

  1. O’Connor, J. & Samuels (2021). Humane education’s effect on middle school student motivation and standards-based reading assessment. Social Sciences, 10376. doi: 10.3390/socsci10100376.
  2. Meers, L. L., Contalbrigo, L., Stevens, V. A., , Ulitina, O. M., Laufer, S. J., & Samuels, W. E. (2021). The state of animal-assisted intervention: COVID-19 safety protocols and ethical considerations. Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research. 1 – 23. doi: 10.1163/25889567-bja10019.
  3. Samuels, W. E. (2020). A world of good: A humane education program’s effects on lower-elementary students’ environmental behaviors. International Journal of Humane Education, 1(1), 32 – 66.
  4. Samuels, W. E. (2018). Nurturing kindness naturally: A humane education program’s effect on the prosocial behavior of first and second graders across China. International Journal of Educational Research, 91, 49 – 64. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2018.08.001.
  5. Samuels, W. E., Meers, L., & Normando, S. (2016). Improving upper elementary students’ humane attitudes and prosocial behaviors through an in-class humane education program. Anthrozoös, 29(4), 597 – 610. doi: 10.1080/08927936.2016.1228751
  6. Meers, L., Martin, S., Samuels, W. E., Ödberg, F. O. & Normando, S. (2013). A survey of equine-assisted intervention programs and welfare implications in the Veneto region (Italy). Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 8(2), e1 – e25. doi: 10.1016/j.jveb.2012.12.036.
  7. Normando, S., Meers, L., Samuels, W. E., Faustini, M., & Ödberg, F. O. (2011). Variables affecting the prevalence of behavioural problems in horses: Can riding style and other management factors be significant? Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 133, 186 – 196. doi: 10.1016/j.applanim.2011.06.012
    • The tenth-most-downloaded, peer-reviewed article (from among over 2,000 articles) in the Applied Animal Behaviour Science category, July to Sept., 2011 (ScienceDirect).
  8. Meers, L., Colman, I., Stefanini, C., Haverbeke, A., Normando, S., Samuels, W. E., & Ödberg, F. (2011). Dog regulation in East-Flanders, Belgium. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 6(1), 92 – 93. doi: 10.1016/j.jveb.2010.08.022
  9. Normando, S., Meers, L., Salvadorettie, M., Trevisan, C., Samuels, W. E. & Ödberg, F. O. (2010). Equine-assisted intervention programs in Veneto (Italy). Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 5(1), 47 – 48. doi: 10.1016/j.jveb.2009.09.030
  10. Moons, C., Meers, L., Stefanini, C., Normando, S., Van de Leest, L., Samuels, W. E., & Ödberg, F. O. (2009). Review: Relevance of stimuli used in canine behavioural testing with regards to proximal causality of dog bites. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 5(1), 61. doi: 10.1016/j.jveb.2009.09.004
  11. Meers, L., Stefanini, C., D’hanens, S., Normando, S., Samuels, W. E., Kalmar, I., & Ödberg, F. O. (2009). Is it wise to involve animals in prisons and rehabilitation programs? A study conducted in Flanders, Belgium. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 5(1), 50. doi: 10.1016/j.jveb.2009.09.023
  12. Pira, T., Stefanini, C., Meers, L., Normando, S., Samuels, W. E., & Ödberg, F. O. (2009). A conceptual study about animal-assisted interventions (AAI) in Antwerp, Belgium. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 5(1), 49 – 50. doi: 10.1016/j.jveb.2009.09.024
  13. Nicoll, K., Trifone, C., & Samuels, W. E. (2008). An in-class, humane education program can improve young students’ attitudes towards animals. Society and Animals, 16, 45 – 60. doi: 10.1163/156853008X269881.

Statistics / Psychometrics & Experimental Design

  1. Plavskin, A., Samuels, W.E., & Calzone, K. (Accepted manuscript; scheduled for publication in 2022). Construct validity analysis of the genetics and genomics in nursing practice survey: Overcoming challenges in variable response instrument Journal of Nursing Measurement.
  2. Gigliotti, E. & Samuels, W. E. (2020). Tests of revisions to the Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire (NSSQ ). SAGE Open Medicine, 8, 1 – 12. doi: 10.1177/2050312120911293
  3. Plavskin, A., Samuels, W., & Calzone, K. (2019). Validity evaluation of the Genetics and Genomics in Nursing Practice Survey. Nursing Open. doi: 10.1002/nop2.346
  4. Hagerty, T. A., Samuels, W., Norcini-Pala, A., & Gigliotti, E. (2017). Peplau’s theory of interpersonal relations: An alternate factor structure for patient experience data? Nursing Science Quarterly, 30(2), 160 – 167. doi: 10.1177/0894318417693286
  5. Tournaki, N. & Samuels, W. E. (2016). Do graduate teacher education programs change teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion and efficacy beliefs? Action in Teacher Education, 38(4), 384 – 398. doi: 10.1080/01626620.2016.1226200.
  6. Gigliotti, E., Samuels, W. E., Cuomo, J., Gamidova, T., Gordon, B., & Acerios, P. (2014). Identifying and addressing sources of error in the Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 22(3), 61E – 76E. doi: 10.1891/1061-3749.22.3.E61.
  7. Bernstein, I., Samuels, E., Woo, A., & Hagge, S. (2013). Assessing DIF among small samples with separate calibration t and Mantel-Haenszel χ2 statistics in the Rasch model. Journal of Applied Measurement, 14(4), 389 – 399. PMID: 24064579.
  8. Gigliotti, E. & Samuels, W. E. (2011). Use of averaged Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire scores. International Scholarly Research Network: Nursing, Article ID 567280, 6 pages, 2011. doi: 10.5402/2011/567280.
  9. Reinhartz, J. & Samuels, W. E. (2001). Mining Texas style: A seamless transition—or is it? Forum of the Association for Arid Lands Studies, 17(1), 28 – 35.

  1. Meers, L., Samuels, W. E., Ödberg, F. O., & Normando, S. (2019). Animal-Assisted Interventions. Volume 6: Methods and Materials. University Press, Zelzate, pp. 150. ISBN pending.
  2. Meers, L., Samuels, W. E., Ödberg, F. O., & Normando, S. (2019). Animal-Assisted Interventions. Volume 5: How do I get started? University Press, Zelzate, pp. 155. ISBN pending.
  3. Meers, L., Samuels, W. E., Ödberg, F. O., & Normando, S. (2015). Animal-Assisted Interventions. Volume 4: Animal selection and training. University Press, Zelzate, pp. 149. ISBN-13: 978-9461970589
  4. Meers, L., Samuels, W. E., Ödberg, F. O., & Normando, S. (2013). Animal-Assisted Interventions. Volume 3: Animal management, housing and handling. University Press, Zelzate, pp. 155. ISBN-13: 978-9461970572
  5. Meers, L., Samuels, W. E., Ödberg, F. O., & Normando, S. (2012). Animal-Assisted Interventions. Volume 2: Ethology. University Press, Zelzate, pp. 151. ISBN-13: 978-9461970237
  6. Meers, L., Samuels, W. E., Ödberg, F. O., & Normando, S. (2011). Animal-Assisted Interventions. Volume 1: An early history and theoretical framework. University Press, Zelzate, pp. 145. ISBN-13: 978-9461970046
  7. Samuels, W. E. (2006). Living science: Humane, student-inquiry science projects for middle and high schools. New York: The ASPCA.

Book Chapters / Encyclopædia Articles / Booklets
  1. Meers, L., Normando, S., Samuels, W. E., & Ödberg, F. O. (2013). Caged animals. In Y. Jing (Ed.), Prisons and Prison Systems: Practices, Types and Challenges. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
  2. Samuels, W. E. , Meers, L., Coultis, D., & Normando, S. (2009). Blood sports and animals. Encyclopædia of Human-Animal Relationships: A Global Exploration of Our Connections with Animals, 2nd Ed, M. Bekoff and J. Nystrom (Eds.), Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
  3. Meers, L., Samuels, W. E., Normando, S., Degeest, S., & Ödberg, F. O. (2007). Dolphin-assisted interventions & animal-assisted interventions: Possibilities and caveats. Ghent, Belgium: Ghent University Press. Booklet created in conjunction with the Mundomar Conference on Ethology and Animal Behaviour, Benidorm, Spain, May 18, 2007.
  4. Samuels, W. E., Meers, L., & Coultis, D. (2007). Animals in Space. Encyclopædia of Human-Animal Relationships: A Global Exploration of Our Connections with Animals, M. Bekoff and J. Nystrom (Eds.), Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
  5. Samuels, W. E., Coultis, D., & Meers, L. (2007). Biophilia. Encyclopædia of Human-Animal Relationships: A Global Exploration of Our Connections with Animals (pp. 121 – 123), M. Bekoff and J. Nystrom (Eds.), Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
  6. Meers, L., Coultis, D., & Samuels, W. E. (2007). History of animal-assisted therapy. Encyclopædia of Human-Animal Relationships: A Global Exploration of Our Connections with Animals (pp. 1 – 3), M. Bekoff and J. Nystrom (Eds.), Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
  7. Samuels, W. E. (2007). Humane education: How to nurture empathy in children. Encyclopædia of Human-Animal Relationships: A Global Exploration of Our Connections with Animals (pp. 680 – 683), M. Bekoff and J. Nystrom (Eds.), Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
  8. Samuels, W. E. , Meers, L., & Coultis, D. (2007). Blood sports and animals. Encyclopædia of Human-Animal Relationships: A Global Exploration of Our Connections with Animals (pp. 1317 – 1322), M. Bekoff and J. Nystrom (Eds.), Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
  9. Samuels, W. E. & Frey, S. (2007). Animal conservationists. Encyclopædia of Human-Animal Relationships: A Global Exploration of Our Connections with Animals (pp. 263 – 266), M. Bekoff and J. Nystrom (Eds.), Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.

Other Publications
  1. Normando S., Pitteri, E., Stefanini C., Meers L., Samuels W. E., & Barnard S. (2010). Differences in dogs’ behavioural response of to a standardized situation due to setting. Proceedings of the 2010 European Veterinary Behaviour Meeting, Hamburg: European College of Veterinary Behavioural Medicine—Companion Animals, pp. 218 – 219.
  2. Lambrecht, L., Meers, L., & Samuels, W. E. (2010). Researchers and practitioners work together to assess the welfare of horses involved in wheelchair-buggy driving in Belgium. The Latham Letter, 31 (1), 8 – 11.
  3. Meers, L., Thierens, M., Samuels, W. E., & Ödberg, F. O. (2008). Practitioners, researchers, and educators in Flanders, Belgium, cooperate to establish new developments in animal-assisted interventions (AAIs). The Latham Letter, 29 (2), 14 – 17.
  4. Samuels, W. E. (2006). Teaching older people new tricks: Thoughts on effective dog bite prevention. International Society of Anthrozoology Newsletter, 8(31), 11 – 14.
  5. Meers, L., Samuels, W. E., & Coultis, D. (2006). PAN encourages international cooperation between practitioners and researchers in applied investigations of the human animal bond. People, Animals, Nature Newsletter, 2, 1 – 3.
  6. Samuels, W. E., Coultis, D., Meers, L., Normando, S., & Ödberg, F. O. (2006). Can an AAI programme improve animal welfare? Proceedings of the VDWE International Congress on Companion Animal Behaviour and Welfare, 119 – 128.
  7. Samuels, W. E. (2006). Some ways to help prevent dog bites. People, Animals, Nature Newsletter, 2, 5 – 7.
  8. Samuels, W. E. (2005). Dog bite prevention: A pediatrician’s role. New York: The ASPCA.
  9. United Federation of Teachers Humane Education Committee, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, & Humane Education Advocates Reaching Teachers (2006). Humane education resource guide. Retrieved May 9, 2011, from United Federation of Teachers Web site: https://www.uft.org/committees/humane-education-committee
  10. Samuels, W. E. (2005). Effective dog bite prevention programs. The Packrat, 75, 1 – 2.
  11. Samuels, W. E. (2004). Learning to care, love and learn. The Latham Letter, 3, 1 – 2. First published as Samuels, W. E. (2004). Learning to care: Why we need humane education. Animal Watch, 24 (2), 45.
  12. Samuels, W. E. (2004). ASPCA share drive: One big teaching machine. Animal Watch, 24 (3), 38.
  13. Samuels, W. E. (2004). Hooked on books: Fostering a lifelong love of books. Animal Watch, 24 (1), 40.
  14. Samuels, W. E. (2003). Curiosity breeds kindness: Teaching techniques for a humane science class. Animal Watch, 23 (4), 19.
  15. Samuels, W. E. (2003). Dangerous games: When “entertainment” teaches the wrong message. Animal Watch, 23 (3), 47.
  16. Samuels, W. E. (2003). Walking the walk: How to model compassion to the children in your care. Animal Watch, 23 (2), 47.
  17. Samuels, W. E. (2003). The inquisitive mind: Teaching children to question their world. Animal Watch, 23 (1) 47.
  18. Various articles, activities, and lessons for www.animaland.org, www.animalessons.org, www.aspca.org, and www.petfinder.com (2002 – 2006).
  19. Sobsey, D., Montgomery, C., Wilkins, D., & Hingsburger, D. (2001). Four sight: The disability community contemplates fate, future, and fear. (W. E. Samuels, Illustrator; S. Chambers, Cartoonist). Eastman, Quebec: Diverse City Press.
  20. Hingsburger, D. (1998). Four feet tall (W. E. Samuels, Illustrator). Eastman, Quebec: Diverse City Press.

Presentations and Workshops
  1. Meers, L. L., Contalbrigo, L. , Stevens, V. A., Ulitina, O., Laufer, S. J., Samuels, W. E., Duarte-Gan, C., Normando, S. (Scheduled for September 16, 2021). Impact of Covid-19 safety protocols on the wellbeing of 15 dogs involved in animal-assisted interventions (Flanders, Belgium). Presentation made virtually at the One Welfare World Conference, Madrid, Spain.
  2. Samuels, W. E. (February 27 – 28, 2020). Workshops and presentations with representatives of the Sindh Education Foundation on conducting research in 50 elementary schools across the Sindh province. Karachi, Pakistan.
  3. Samuels, W. E. (September 26, 2019). Windows into our hearts: Sharing Caring for Life’s effect on the world. Presentation to be made at the Health & Well-Being: Science & Humanity Are One conference commemorating the centenary year of William Osler’s death and his lasting influence. Green-Templeton College, University of Oxford, Oxford, England.
  4. Samuels, W. E. (September 25, 2019). Workshop on successfully conducting field-based randomized control trials in developing countries. Green-Templeton College, University of Oxford, Oxford, England.
  5. Abdelqader, S. & Samuels, W. E. (October 19, 2018). Improving first-graders’ empathy and environmental concern across eastern China. Roundtable presentation made at the Northeastern Educational Research Association’s 49th Annual Conference in Trumbull, Connecticut.
  6. Samuels, W. E. (October 10, 2018). One of four members of a Mental Health and Homelessness Awareness Panel Discussion hosted by the New York Public Interest Research Group at the College of Staten Island.
  7. Samuels, W. E. (June 21, 2018). Presentation on the prosocial development and the efficacy of push-in education programs made to the Kiran Foundation, Sindh, Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
  8. Samuels, W. E. (June 18 & 22, 2018). A series of presentations on the efficacy of humane education made to the Secretary and Directors of the School Education and Literacy Department, Sindh, Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
  9. Samuels, W. E. (June 9, 2018). Nurturing kindness naturally: Why expansive kindness matters and how the Caring for Life program does it. Presentation made to teaches, administrators, and researchers at the 2018 International Caring for Life Education Innovation Forum at Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou, People’s Republic of China.
  10. Samuels, W. E. (June 9, 2018). Teacher professional development workshop on designing and conducting inquiry-based learning with elementary students at the 2018 International Caring for Life Education Innovation Forum at Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou, People’s Republic of China.
  11. Samuels, W. E. (June 9, 2018). Member of question-and-answer panel of experts at the 2018 International Caring for Life Education Innovation Forum at Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou, People’s Republic of China.
  12. Samuels, W. E., Blackman, S., Sacks, S., Sacks, J., Tournaki, N., & Byalin, K. (May 4, 2018). Predicting GPAs with executive functioning assessed by adolescent students themselves and by their teachers. Paper presented at the 2018 Annual Conference of the New England Educational Research Organization (NEERO) in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
  13. Samuels, W. E. (May 3, 2018). Improving empathy and environmental concern in lower elementary classes in China through humane education. Paper presented at the 2018 Annual Conference of NEERO in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
  14. Samuels, W. E. (April 16, 2018). Addressing prosociality in lower elementary classes in China through humane education. Roundtable presentation made at the 2018 AERA Annual Meeting in New York, NY.
  15. Ferrante, L., Samuels, W. E., Normando, S., Florio, D., Bordignon, F., Meers, L, & de Mori, B. (March 16, 2017). What do Italian visitors think about zoos? Poster presented at European Zoo Educators Conference in Paris.
  16. Meers, L., Duarte-Gan, C., Samuels, W. E., & Normando, S. (July 13, 2016). A review of educational programs about equine-assisted interventions. Poster presented at the 14th triennial conference of the International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organizations (IAHAIO) in Paris.
  17. Meers, L., Van der Klooster, B., Samuels, W. E., C. Duarte, C., & Normando, S. (July 13, 2016). Evaluation of a pet program in a prison health service wing (The Netherlands). Poster presented at the 14th triennial conference of the International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organizations in Paris.
  18. Pei, S.-F. & Samuels, W. E. (May 22, 2016). Helping left-behind children get ahead: A in-class humane education improves the prosociality of lower elementary students in several regions of China. Green Templeton Human Welfare Conference: Inequalities and Human Welfare. University of Oxford, Oxford, England.
  19. Samuels, W. E. (October 7, 2015). Report on multi-city evaluation of caring-for-life education and recommendations for future practice. Presentation made to Ministry of Education officials and school district superintendents in Dalian, People’s Republic of China.
  20. Samuels, W. E. (October 8, 2015). Designing student-centered, research-based lessons, management strategies, and service learning activities with elementary school students to promote prosociality and empathy. Teacher professional development workshop conducted with ~30 lead teachers in Dalian, People’s Republic of China.
  21. Samuels, W. E. (October 9, 2015). The science of caring. Teacher professional development presentation conducted with ~30 lead teachers in Dalian, People’s Republic of China.
  22. Samuels, W. E. (October 10, 2015). Recommendations for developing prosocial behavior through pedagogy. Panel discussion conducted with the Ministry of Education, Heping, People’s Republic of China.
  23. Winter, H., Pei, S.-F., & Samuels, W. E. (May 2, 2015). Managing conflict through the process of humane education in schools. Green Templeton Human Welfare Conference: Human Welfare in Conflict. University of Oxford, Oxford, England.
  24. Samuels, W. E. (November 24, 2014). Pedagogical strategies for improving character and humane education: Recommendations and results from the 2013 – 2014 program evaluation. Presentation made to Ministry of Education officials, school administrators, school teachers, and non-profit organization leaders in Xiamen, People’s Republic of China.
  25. Samuels, W. E. (November 21, 2014). Humane Education: What? How? Why? Presentation made to city government officials, school administrators, and school teachers in Dalian, People’s Republic of China.
  26. Samuels, W. E., Tournaki, N., Blackman, S., & Zilinski, C. (May 1, 2014). Executive functioning ratings by paraprofessionals predict academic success in a middle school. Poster presented at 46th annual conference of the New England Educational Research Organization (NEERO), West Dover, Vermont.
  27. Samuels, W. E., Blackman, S., Tournaki, N., & Zilinski, C. (March 15, 2014). BRIEF and BRIEF-SR scores as predictors of academic success in a middle school: Initial findings. Presentation given to the 85th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association (EPA), Boston, Massachusetts.
  28. Chiriboga, L., Korona, K., Parrucci, C., & Samuels, W. E. (September 21, 2013). Humane education in elementary schools. Presentation and break-out session conducted at the Educating for a Just, Peaceful, & Sustainable Future conference, New York: New York University School of Law.
  29. Gigliotti, E., Como, J., Gamidova, T., & Samuels, E. (March 28, 2012). Revising the Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire. Presentation to be made to the 24th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Eastern Nursing Research Society, New Haven, Connecticut.
  30. Martin, S., Meers, L., Normando, S., Samuels, W. E., & Ödberg, F. O. (Oct. 28, 2011). A survey of “equine-assisted intervention (EAI)” programmes and welfare implications in the Veneto Region of Italy. Poster presented at the 7th International Equitation Science Conference of the International Society for Equitation Science, Academy Bartels, Hooge Mierde, Netherlands.
  31. Desloovere, A., Meers, L., Samuels, W. E., Normando, S., & Ödberg, F. O. (Sept. 3, 2011). Animals in psychiatric care: Important or imprudent? Poster presented at the AAIZOO Foundation’s 2nd Annual Animal-Assisted Interventions Conference on Practice, Theory, and Policy, Rhoon, Netherlands.
  32. Normando, S., Meers, L., Samuels, W. E., & Ödberg, F. O. (Nov. 27, 2011). Animals behind bars: A study of rehabilitation programs involving animals in Italian prisons. Paper presented at the 1st Annual Meeting of the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine (ECAWBM), Avignon, France.
  33. Samuels, W. E. (Dec. 1, 2010). Lessons learned: Experience piloting NCATE’s continuous improvement option. Invited presentation made to Brooklyn College’s School of Education, Brooklyn, New York.
  34. Samuels, W. E. (November 16, 2010). Getting by one day at a time: Insight into the mechanisms of short-term resilience. Presentation made at the annual International Conference of Education, Research, and Innovation, Madrid, Spain.
  35. Samuels, W. E. (Sept. 26, 2010). Support for a Wernerian model of resilience is found in the relationship between academic resilience and life barriers. Presentation made at the 2nd International Conference on Education Research, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  36. Samuels, W. E. (Sept. 12, 2010). Research and assessment in animal-assisted interventions: Guidance and implementation. Invited presentation and workshop series made to the People, Animals, Natures’ Human-Animal Conference, Naperville, Illinois.
  37. Samuels, W. E. (Aug. 16, 2010). A smooth(er) continuous improvement visit: Using technology and common sense to our advantage. Invited webinar conducted with Tk20. Webinar attracted (and kept throughout presentation) the largest audience to date of any of the many webinars the company organized.
  38. Meers, L., Van Landuyt, H., Normando, S., Samuels, W. E., Dekeyrel, C., & Ödberg, F. (Oct. 2, 2010). Techniques to improve animal welfare during human-animal contact. Presentation made to the 1st International Conference on Animal Welfare Education of the European Commission’s Dictorate of General Health and Consumers, Brussels, Belgium.
  39. Meers, L., Van Landuyt, H., Normando, S., Samuels, W. E., Dekeyrel, C., & Ödberg, F. (Oct. 2, 2010). Astral, the home-made-horse: A technique to improve animal welfare during human-animal contact. Poster presented at the 16th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Ethology, Hamburg, Germany.
  40. Samuels, W. E. & Carolan, B. V. (May 19, 2010). A smooth(er) NCATE visit. Invited presentation to the School of Education, Manhattanville College, Purchase, New York.
  41. Pira, T., Stefanini, C., Meers, L., Normando, S., Samuels, W. E., & Ödberg, F. O. (October 29, 2009). A conceptual study about animal-assisted interventions (AAI) in Antwerp, Belgium. Poster presented at the 7th Annual International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Ethology, Edinburgh, UK.
  42. Moons, C., Meers, L., Stefanini, C., Normando, S., Van de Leest, L., Samuels, W. E., & Ödberg, F. O. (October 29, 2009). Review: Relevance of stimuli used in canine behavioural testing with regards to proximal causality of dog bites. Poster presented at the 7th Annual International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting (IVBM) of the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Ethology, Edinburgh, UK.
  43. Meers, L., Stefanini, C., D’hanens, S., Normando, S., Samuels, W. E., Kalmar, I., & Ödberg, F. O. (October 29, 2009). Is it wise to involve animals in prisons and rehabilitation programs? A study conducted in Flanders, Belgium. Poster presented at the 7th Annual International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Ethology, Edinburgh, UK.
  44. Normando, S., Meers, L., Salvadorettie, M., Trevisan, C., Samuels, W. E. & Ödberg, F. O. (October 29, 2009). Equine-assisted intervention programs in Veneto, Italy. Poster presented at the 7th Annual International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Ethology, Edinburgh, UK.
  45. Samuels, W. E., Yamamoto, N., & Coultis, D. (August 2, 2009). Nurturing empathy throughout childhood. Featured guest at 8th Annual Animal-Assisted Education Conference, Azabu University, Sagamihara, Japan.
  46. Samuels, W. E., Matoba, M., Izawa, M., Arai, S., & Yamamoto, N. (August 2, 2009). Humane education lesson module demonstration and discussion. The feature event of the 8th Annual Animal-Assisted Education Conference, Azabu University, Sagamihara, Japan.
  47. Samuels, W. E., Yamamoto, N., Meers L., Normando S., & Ödberg F. O. (July 29, 2009). The history and current status of animal welfare in the West. Featured guest speaker at Shujitsu Women’s University, Sendai, Japan.
  48. Samuels, W. E., Yamamoto, N., & Coultis, D. (July 27, 2009). Loyal companions, troubled families: Animal-assisted therapy in family contexts. Invited speaker at the Idear Human Support Service Center, Tokyo, Japan.
  49. Samuels, W. E., Ogawa, N., & Coultis, D. (July 26, 2009). Pet solves international dispute: Humane education across cultures. Featured guest speaker at the 8th Annual Symposium on the Human-Animal Bond, Anabuki College, Takamatsu, Japan.
  50. Samuels, W. E. & Carolan, B. V. (April 24, 2009). Streamlining data collection within and across departments for SPA reports. Presentation made to the third annual CSI/CUNY Day of Assessment, Staten Island, New York.
  51. Samuels, W. E. & Woo, A. (April 13, 2009). Validation studies of a measure of academic resilience and the Big Five Personality Inventory. Paper discussion (formerly known as Roundtables) held for the Test Validity Research & Evaluation SIG at the 2009 AERA Annual Meeting, San Diego.
  52. Samuels, W. E. (May, 2009). A non-intellective measure of academic success among college students. Presentation made to the 41st annual conference of the New England Educational Research Organization, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
  53. Nicoll, K. & Samuels, W. E. (December 7, 2007). The impact of animal visitation in an in-class humane education program. Presentation made to the Humane Society of the United States’ National Technology Assessment Workshop on Animal Assisted Programs for Youth at Risk, Baltimore, Maryland.
  54. Meers, L., Normando, S., & Samuels, W. E. (October 15 – 17, 2007). Equine-assisted interventions. Professional development course given at the University of Bologna, Italy.
  55. Maurer, M., Meers, L., Normando, S., Samuels, W. E., Delfour, F., & Ödberg, F. O. (October 2, 2007). Dolphin-assisted interventions: A scientific point of view. Presentation given to the European Parliament, Luxembourg.
  56. Meers, L., Samuels, W. E., Normando, S., Degeest, S., & Ödberg, F. O. (May 18, 2007). Dolphin-assisted interventions: Possibilities and caveats. Paper presented at the Mundomar Conference on Ethology and Animal Behaviour, Benidorm, Spain.
  57. Samuels, W. E. (September 29, 2006). All children great and small: Helping foster kindness in schools and communities. Invited speaker at the American Humane Association’s Annual Conference, Schaumburg, Illinois.
  58. Samuels, W. E., Coultis, D., Meers, L., Ödberg, F. O., & Normando, S. (September 23, 2006). Can an AAI educational programme improve animal welfare? Poster presented at Vlaamse Diergeneeskundige Werkgroep Ethologie’s Animal Welfare and Behaviour Conference, Ghent, Belgium.
  59. Meers, L., Samuels, W. E., Coultis, D., Moons, C., & Ödberg, F. O. (April 16, 2006). Attitudes about death in children, students, and elderly. Presentation made at the Second Annual Human-Animal Conference, Naperville, Illinois. (This is at a conference series I helped create.)
  60. Samuels, W. E. (2005 – 2006). Dog bite prevention: A pediatrician’s role. A series of presentations/workshops for New York City pediatricians.
  61. Samuels, W. E. (July 16, 2005). Community partnerships that work. Presentation made at the First Annual Human-Animal Conference at the Animal Medical Center, New York, New York. (This is at a conference series I helped create.)
  62. Samuels, W. E. (April 18, 2005). Teaching kindness in schools and the community: What works and what doesn’t. Guest lecture made at Saint John’s University, Staten Island, New York.
  63. Samuels, W. E. (March 5, 2005). How we learn to care. Keynote presentation made at the Seventh Annual Humane Education Seminar at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne.
  64. Samuels, W. E. (February 7, 2005). Animals in violent homes: What they experience and what it means. Presentation made at Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, New York.
  65. Nicoll, K, Trifone, C., & Samuels, W. E. (September 25, 2004). Relative efficacies of components of the We Love Animals! in-class humane education curriculum. Presentation made at the Michigan State University’s Fourth Annual Human-Animal Bond Initiative Conference, Lansing, MI.
  66. Samuels, W. E. (June 20, 2004). Measuring kindness. Presentation made at the First Annual Youth Pet Conference, Tallahassee, Florida.
  67. Samuels, W. E. and Robertson, K (June 11, 2004). Integrating humane education into K – 3 elementary science curricula. Professional development workshop presented in partnership with the Dallas Animal Control to Dallas Independent School District teachers.
  68. Samuels, W. E. (July 19, 2003). Assessing, monitoring, and evaluating humane education programs. Presentation made to the first annual humane education conference at Green Chimneys, Brewster, New York. (This is at a conference I helped create.)
  69. Samuels, W. E. (April 30, 2003). Studying humane education. Presentation made at the first quarterly meeting of the Greater DelMarPa Society in Bensalem, Penn.
  70. Reinhartz, J. & Samuels, W. E. (April 22, 2003). Teachers as leaders: The success of the physical science institute. Paper presented to the 84th Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Chicago.
  71. Samuels, W. E. (April 5, 2003). Implementing humane education. Presentation made at the SUNY Delhi Animal Shelter and Humane Society Workshops.
  72. Reinhartz, J. & Samuels, W. E. (February 15, 2003). The Teacher Researcher Academy: Promoting instructional effectiveness through action research inquiry training. Paper presented at the 83rd annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators Meeting in Jacksonville, Florida.
  73. Bernstein, I. H. & Samuels, W. E., (April, 2002) Cross-national differences in SPQ self-presentation bias of salespeople. Paper presented to the Annual Convention of the Society for Applied Multivariate Research.
  74. Reinhartz, J. & Samuels, W. E. (April 20, 2001). Land reclamation: Texas style. Paper presented to the Western Social Science Association and the Association of Arid Lands Studies, 43rd Annual Conference, Reno, Nevada.
  75. Samuels, W. E. & Reinhartz, J. (April 13, 2001). Advocating teen safety: New perspectives on best practices. Paper presented to the American Educational Research Association, 82nd Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington.
  76. Samuels, W. E. & Reinhartz, J. (March 2, 2001). Listening to teens’ voices for fostering prosocial behaviors. Paper presented to the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, 2001 Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas.
  77. Samuels, W. E. & Reinhartz, J. (February 20, 2001). Fostering teen safety through self-efficacy training. Paper presented to the Association of Teacher Educators, 81st Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  78. Reinhartz, J. & Samuels, W. E. (January 29, 2001). Perceived safety and exposure to violence are related to academic success. Poster presented at the Administrator’s Midwinter Conference on Education, Austin, Texas.
  79. Reinhartz, J. & Samuels, W. E. (November 20, 1999). Predictors of violence and anti-social behaviors in after-school programs in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex: An empirical study. Paper presented to the School of Education, The University of Texas at Arlington.
  80. Jackson, R. L., Samuels, W. E., & Rutledge, M. (1998). Expression of conditioned taste aversion depends on the retention interval. Paper presented to the Southwestern Psychological Association, 44th Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Grants and Funding
  1. Given success of previous Writing Across the Curriculum project, immediately below, was proffered an unprecedented invitation to further develop and expand the project both in scope and evaluative rigor through a second $35,000 grant (2012 – 2013).
  2. Led interdisciplinary team awarded $35,000 to implement a Writing Across the Curriculum grant to create and assess a research-based program to support undergraduate student development (2011 – 2012).
  3. Samuels, W. E. (2005). Inside an Animal Shelter education program, awarded $50,000 grant from the Peter Jay Sharp Foundation, teaches animal care through interactive visits to the ASPCA’s shelter facility
  4. $60,000 in 2002 from the Kenneth A. Scott Charitable Trust for the creation of Living science: Humane, student-inquiry science projects for middle and high schools (see Books, above).

Research Projects

Current Research Projects
N.B., current projects are detailed in the Research section of my web site.

  1. Statistician & methodologist, various projects in health, educational, developmental, social science, and biological research; typically to address complex and/or difficult analyses in field-based studies (2002 – present).
  2. Lead investigator, creation and validation of an instrument to measure children’s attitudes toward animals (2018 – present).
  3. Lead investigator, evaluation of humane education program conducted with over 1,000 students of migrant families and “left-behind” children in rural China (2017 – present).
  4. Lead investigator and statistician, role of executive functioning on academic success and social / emotional functioning among adolescents (2011 – present).

Completed Research Projects

  1. Co-investigator, modern and traditional psychometric properties of instruments and efficiency of psychometric statistics (2008 – 2017).
  2. Lead investigator and statistician, evaluation of humane education program conducted with over 2,200 students in Dalian, Xiamen, Guang Dong, and Xin Jiang Province, People’s Republic of China (2014 – 2017).
  3. Statistician, longitudinal study of the factors influencing the development of self- and teacher-efficacy among special education graduate students (2012 – 2014).
  4. Lead investigator and statistician, pilot evaluation of humane education program conducted at seven primary schools (34 classes) in Dalian and Xiamen, People’s Republic of China (2012 – 2014).
  5. Lead investigator, efficacy of humane education programs implemented in a small group of New York City public elementary schools (2011 – 2013).
  6. Lead statistician (overseeing a Ph.D. and an M.D. statistician), prevalence and demographics predictors of metabolic syndrome, in collaboration with the Richmond University Medical Center (2011 – 2012).
  7. Co-investigator, revision of the Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire (2010 – 2015).
  8. Co-designed, supervised, and evaluated all aspects of school-based technology program in all sixth grades classes in 22 New York City middle schools; assessed program for scalability to all grades in all New York City middle schools; project included integrating data from online, self-report surveys and naturalistic observations (Jan. – Sept., 2006).
  9. Co-investigator, effects of animal-assisted interventions on the stress of animals (2005 – 2012).
  10. Co-investigator, best practices in animal-assisted interventions (2004 – 2016).
  11. Lead investigator, longitudinal study of development of morals, attitudes, compassion, and pro-social behavior in elementary and middle school children (2003 – 2007).
  12. Evaluated the efficacy of the New York City Pet Care Outreach Program in eight classes at Title 1 and private elementary schools in New York City (Jan. 8 and 16, 2003).
  13. Lead investigator, measurement and development of resilience among adolescents and adults (2002 – 2012).
  14. Consultation and evaluation of violence prevention programs at Dallas-Fort Worth-area YMCAs, YWCAs, and Boys & Girls Clubs (2000 – 2002).
  15. Case studies of resilient teachers in collaboration with Prof. Judy Reinhartz (1999 – 2001).
  16. Graduate Research Assistant, the University of Texas at Arlington, the laboratory of Prof. Ira Bernstein (2001 – 2002). Assisted with advanced psychometric analyses, such as item response theory and differential item functioning.
  17. Investigated effectiveness and best practices of in-service professional development course which taught environmental science through project-based activities.
  18. Assistant, the University of Texas at Arlington. Assisted Judith Reinhartz in the design, implementation, analysis, and reporting of funded course research (June to August, 2001). Course engaged in-service teachers in learner-centered course which taught action research and the basic tenets of constructivism.
  19. Graduate Research Assistant, the University of Texas at Arlington, the laboratory of Prof. Raymond Jackson (August 1995 – 2000). Through various procedures, investigated mechanisms of learning and memory established over long CS-UCS intervals in an animal model.

Teaching and Creation of Educational Materials

Higher Education

  1. Nursing Research and Theory (NURS 38000). This course provides an “[i]ntroduction to theory development and research in nursing.” Students learn about tenets of science, the relationship between scientific theory and practice, and all phases of research including design, ethics, data collection, analysis, critique/synthesis, and application to nursing practice. (117 students, Hunter School of Nursing, fall 2021).
  2. Analytic Methods for Evidence-Based Practice (NURS 80200). Through discussions of “the importance of evidence-based and cost-effective practice in nursing,” this course prepares nurses with DNPs to critically assess clinical-, laboratory-, and field-based research that relates to nursing practice “to inform best practices in advanced practice nursing care.” (10 students, Hunter School of Nursing, spring 2021).
  3. Advanced Nursing Research (NURS 70200). Prepares Master’s nursing students to understand and be able to conduct research methods most pertinent to evidence-based advanced practice. (43 students, Hunter School of Nursing, spring 2021).
  4. Quantitative Research Methods (NURS 80000). Prepares students to evaluate and design quantitative studies within nursing practice and with sensitive patient outcomes. Methods covered include “true experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental designs such as comparative, correlational, exploratory, descriptive, and epidemiological” designs while also thoroughly covering ethical issues including guidelines for conducting research with human subjects. The course also covers strategies “to control for external and intrinsic factors, collect data, develop sampling plans, analyze data, and write research reports.” (2 students, CUNY Graduate Center, fall 2020).
  5. Applied Statistics II (NURS 71200). “[I]ntroduces the student to the use of statistical techniques to answer clinically relevant questions, within the discipline of nursing.” The course focuses on helping students to develop “a conceptual applied understanding of the uses and interpretation of statistics testing relationships between and amongst variables including correlation and linear models and their extensions to regression including multiple and hierarchical regression. Drawing on current nursing research, the case study method will be used to enhance the students’ conceptual understanding by illustrating actual applications of particular statistical techniques” (11 students, CUNY Graduate Center, 2020).
  6. Measurement in Nursing Research (NURS 71000). A terminal course in the Doctoral Program in Nursing, this course focuses on “the development of essential competencies required to locate, select, evaluate, and utilize instruments to operationalize study variables; … [m}easurement theory … in relation to criterion-referenced measures; … population-health data sets available on federal, state and local levels that explore how variables are assessed in these large surveys; … [and] ethical considerations in nursing research and research issues in diverse populations.… Specific attention is given to the process of moving from concept to construct, measurement theory, validity/reliability issues, and measurement issues in diverse populations including literacy, stamina during illness/crisis, social desirability bias, sensitive data, translations, and cultural norms” (6 students, CUNY Graduate Center, 2019 – 2020).
  7. Undergraduate Psychology Honors Thesis Adviser (1 student, 2019).
  8. Verrazano School Honors Program Thesis Adviser. The Verrazano School offers diverse and enriched opportunities for exceptional students that helps them grow to become exemplary students, community leaders, and professionals (1 student, 2018 – 2020).
  9. Psychological Foundations of (Elementary) Education (EDE 260). “An examination of the developing child from preschool until adolescence. Major theories of development and the interaction among cognitive, social, and other aspects of development are emphasized. Children with different abilities are discussed, as are cultural, gender and socioeconomic factors. Ten hours of fieldwork in varied educational settings will increase awareness of individual differences and their implications for classroom learning” (11 students, College of Staten Island, 2019).
  10. Advanced Educational Psychology (EDD 611), “examines the major factors that contribute to development of students’ ability to learn. The study materials include research texts and examples of educational practices in the areas of language, literacy, mathematics, science and social studies. The main focus is on how teachers can implement psychological knowledge for enhancing students’ potential to succeed academically” (19 students, College of Staten Island, 2019).
  11. Research Project in Special Education (EDP 642), students “complete the research projects they began in EDP 640, students review and synthesize the literature, collect data, apply statistical methods for data analysis where appropriate, and discuss the implications of their findings” (11 students, College of Staten Island, 2019 & 2021).
  12. Fundamentals of Research in Special Education (EDP 640), “introduces students to various methods of inquiry that include principles of empirical research, basic statistical and measurement concepts, and criteria for evaluating published educational research studies. [In this course, student develop a proposal] that is the basis for the culminating research project that students complete in EDP 642” (10 students, College of Staten Island, 2019 & 2021).
  13. Psychological Foundations of Secondary Education (EDS 202), “examines major theories of pre-adolescent and adolescent development, with emphasis on implications for education. Major theories of development and the interaction between cognitive, emotional, and physical development are emphasized. Adolescents will be considered in the context of the larger community, with attention to language, culture, gender, and socioeconomic factors.” Includes 15 hours of fieldwork “in diverse and inclusive secondary educational settings [to] increase the student’s awareness of children with special needs and the implications for classroom learning” (18 students, College of Staten Island, 2018).
  14. Experimental Psychology: Child Development (PSY 335), “introduces [students to] basic findings and techniques in the study of developmental psychology.... [Reviews] all phases of research including research design, ethics, data collection, analysis, and presentation, with a specific focus on current methods used to study the psychological development of children. In the laboratory, students ... design and complete group research projects illustrative of the major topics covered, culminating in APA-style research papers” (22 students, College of Staten Island, 2018 & 2019).
  15. History and Systems of Psychology (PSY 352), in-depth coverage of major historical developments in psychology and a review of the contemporary fields they inform—including structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and Gestalt psychology—and future directions for the fields (35 – 36 students, College of Staten Island, 2017 & 2019).
  16. [Introduction to] Psychology (PSY 100), a “study of the important facts and theories concerning human behavior and its motivation.” Covering various topics in psychology “related to major trends in recent cultural history and to current social and moral issues” (50 – 51 students, College of Staten Island, 2017).
  17. Educational Research (EDD 630 and EDD 631), a two-semester graduate course sequence. The sequence prepares graduate education students (both those seeking initial and professional teaching certification) with the basics of conducting, understanding, and applying research to classroom and education-related practice. Taught in both hybrid (at least half online) and traditional formats (16 – 22 students, College of Staten Island, 2008 – 2020).
  18. Animal and Environmental Stewardship, co-instructor of a two-semester, advanced, online graduate research course addressing animal behavior & management and environmental conservation. Taught online. (20 students, The University of Ghent, 2012 – 2013).
  19. Behavior and Motivation (PSYC 3320), covering “[t]heory and research involving the relationships between motivation and emotion to learning theory, social behavior, personality, and development” (50 – 63 students, The University of Texas at Arlington, 2001 – 2002).
  20. Elementary Statistical Analysis (MATH 1308/PSYC 1310), covering the important foundation of descriptive statistics, relationships between variables, interpretation of data and graphs, rudiments of probability, elementary statistical models, hypothesis testing, inference, and estimation (57 – 89 students, The University of Texas at Arlington, 2001 – 2002).
  21. Experimental Design (PSYC 2442), addressing “theoretical and practical approaches to research methodology, statistical analyses and techniques of report research.” Co-designed lectures and content for lecture and laboratory sections, oversaw laboratory sections, and taught lecture section for undergraduate course (18 – 33 students, The University of Texas at Arlington, 1999 – 2001).
  22. Introductory Psychology (PSYC 1315), an undergraduate course (5 – 89 students, The University of Texas at Arlington, 1998 – 2001).
  23. Experimental Analysis of Behavior (PSYC 2310): Assistant-taught and tended animals for laboratory (23 – 27 students, The University of Texas at Arlington, 1996 – 1997).

Professionals and the General Public

  1. Co-designer and co-teacher of a hybrid, animal-assisted intervention course conducted in affiliation with DePaul University. Students included occupational and physical therapists, mental health counselors, nurses, doctors, social workers, educators, and other service practitioners. Topics included implementing community-based programs, scientific evaluation of programs, best practices, development of empathy and compassion, professional ethics, safety, and animal behavior (People, Animals, and Nature, 2005 – 2011).
  2. Designer and teacher of dog bite prevention curriculum for pediatricians in New York City. Companion text is the highly-acclaimed Dog bite prevention: A pediatrician’s role (ASPCA, 2005).
  3. Co-designer of ASPCA Kids series of national workshop modules and companion materials for teachers, parents, educators, and community-based leaders to nurture compassion and pro-social behavior in children and young adults (ASPCA, 2005).
  4. Co-designer of approximately 120 lessons and activities (and teacher of about 40 of these) integrating animals and nature into social studies, math, science, language arts, and arts instruction for students aged 5 – 16 in public schools in Chicago, Dallas, New York City, and Philadelphia; most subsequently published and/or made available online (ASPCA, 2002 – 2006).
  5. Co-designer of project-based upper-elementary curriculum for humane education in partnership with the Staten Island Children’s Museum (ASPCA, 2004 – 2005).

Kindergarten Through Twelfth Grade

  1. Project leader for The Compassionate Curriculum which integrates humane education into grades K – 8 through learner-centered classroom, out-of-class, and service learning projects.
  2. Project leader for partnership with Scholastic on Clifford the Big Red Dog lessons and related DVD and poster (2005 – 2006).
  3. Lead designer for Strawberry Shortcake pet care PSA and related poster and online games (2005).
  4. Designer and teacher of in-service, professional development workshop for New York City School District; conducted with about 300 elementary teachers in total (ASPCA, 2004 – 2005).
  5. Designer and co-teacher of 15-unit, in-service, professional development curriculum integrating humane education into elementary science curricula. Presented for entire Dallas Independent School District (ASPCA, 2004).
  6. Co-designer of project-based curriculum for Girl Scout Scholars programs in New York City (ASPCA, 2003 – 2005).
  7. Designed and implemented student-centered, service-learning program to nurture prosocial behavior using self-efficacy- and resilience-based practices with groups of at-risk teens through Dallas Boys & Girls Clubs (Arlington, Texas, 2001 – 2002).
  8. Prepared young adults for the General Equivalency Degree; my students obtained the center’s highest pass rates (YMCA, Arlington, Texas, 2000 – 2002).
  9. Summer Science Institute: Experimental Psychology; Chosen among all psychology graduate students to design and teach this high-profile program to expose exceptional middle and high school students to psychology in general and at UTA in particular. The program focused on hands-on learning (The University of Texas at Arlington, 2001).
  10. Taught SAT and PSAT preparation in various high schools to 9th to 12th grade classes (2000 – 2001, between 5 and 44 students per class); tutored pre-algebra, algebra, and geometry to various high school students (2000 – 2001, between 1 and 4 per group), the Teaching Company, Arlington, Texas.
  11. Tutored literacy one-on-one (Harrisburg, Penn., May, 1993 – August 1993).
  12. Tutored preparation for the General Equivalency Degree (Harrisburg, Penn., June 1992 – November 1994).
  13. Assistant teacher of English as a second language: Instructed classes of beginner to intermediate levels (Catholic Charities, Harrisburg, Penn., June 1991 – November 1991).

Public Service
  1. Member, International Board of Academic Advisers, the Institute of Caring for Life Academic Research and Education (2019 – present).
  2. Consultant, research design, theoretical foundations, and statistical analyses using linear and nested models to test longitudinal changes in attitudes and academic performance among middle school students in a New Jersey school district (2019).
  3. Consultant, research and evaluation of educational practices conducted by The Global Schoolhouse Initiative, an international non-profit organization (2019 – present).
  4. Member, Advisery Board for OMÚ, an internationally-active philanthropic non-profit organization headquartered in Greece (2019 – present).
  5. Adviser on research, program implementation, and evaluation related to the Caring For Life Education Program into thousands of high priority schools in Pakistan’s Sindh province, being conducted jointly by the Sindh School Education and Literacy Department and two non-profit organizations: ACTAsia and Join Hands (2018).
  6. Member, Scientific Committee, Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research (2018 – present).
  7. Editorial Advisery Board, International Journal of Humane Education (2018 – present).
  8. Member, Humane Education Coalition Advisery Council (2017 – present).
  9. Elected to the Board of Directors of People, Animals, Nature (December, 2007 – 2017); elected President (January, 2004 – January, 2007); appointed as Director of Research and Evaluation (January, 2007 – 2017).
  10. Elected to the Harmony Institute Campus Advisery Board (2005 – 2007).
  11. Project leader for The Compassionate Curriculum which integrates humane education into grades K – 8 through learner-centered classroom, out-of-class, and service learning projects (2006 – 2008).
  12. Judge, New York City Science Expo (2004 & 2005).
  13. Elected to the Board of Directors and Treasurer of the Friends of New York Humane Education Academy (April 15, 2004 – 2014).
  14. Elected to the Academic Review Board of the Harmony Community School (June, 2003 – August, 2006).

Consultancies, Reviews, Appointments, & Committees


  1. Consultant, statistical analyses using nested models to test longitudinal changes in infants’ neurological development for a National Science Foundation grant proposal (2019).
  2. Consultant, statistical analyses using linear and nested models to test longitudinal changes in language use during and after college students’ participation in cross-culture service-learning programs (2018 – 2020).
  3. Consultant, statistical analyses (primarily ANOVAs, ANCOVAs, and multilevel models of change) for research investigating the effects of community-based learning experiences on college students’ perceptions of academic self-efficacy (2018 – 2019).
  4. Consultant, statistical analyses (finite mixture models/structural equation modeling) for research evaluating the construct, content, predictive aspects of the validity of the Genetics and Genomics in Nursing Practice Survey (2015 – 2017).
  5. Contracted to evaluate “EAGER: Participatory Cyber Security Learning through Dramatic Role Playing,” a cyber-security education program for college students (2014 – 2015).
  6. Evaluation consultant and member of founding committee of 30,000 Degrees; a joint program conducted by St. John’s University, Wagner College, & the College of Staten Island with area P – 12 schools to increase number of college degrees earned by Staten Island residents (2014 – 2017).
  7. Consultant, statistical analyses (primarily structural equation modeling) for research on patients’ perceptions of experiences with health care providers (2013 – 2015).
  8. Consultant, program evaluation for ACTAsia’s Caring for Life humane education program implemented in dozens of Chinese elementary schools with hundreds teachers and thousands of students over several years (2013 – present).
  9. Research consultant for Prof. Ellen-ge Denton, who is investigating the development of orphaned children in Guyana (2013 – 2016).
  10. Provided guidance on statistical analyses of large, field-based investigation of the incidence of metabolic syndrome conducted through a partnership of the College of Staten Island and Richmond University Medical Center (2011).
  11. Consultant, discrete and longitudinal evaluation of education programs conducted by the Detroit Zoological Society (2011 – 2013).
  12. Consultant, the Society for the Study of Human-Animals Relations (2009 – 2014).
  13. Consultant, program evaluation for Yourou, the Japanese Society for Animal-Assisted Education and Therapy, and the Society for the Study of Human-Animals Relations (2009 – 2014).
  14. Statistical and research consultant, Japan SPCA (2004 – 2006).
  15. Consultant for Meow Mix for the creation of Mr. Meow Visits an Animal Shelter (2004 – 2006).


Peer-Reviewed Journals

  1. Reviewer, Learning and Individual Differences (2021 & 2020).
  2. Reviewer, Journal of Nursing Measurement (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, & 2021).
  3. Reviewer, Journal of School Health (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2017, 2018, & 2019).
  4. Reviewer, The Open Psychology Journal (2018).
  5. Reviewer, Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research (2018 & 2019).
  6. Reviewer, Physiotherapy Quarterly (2018 & 2020).
  7. Reviewer, Society & Animals (2017).
  8. Reviewer, Journal of Educational Psychology (2014).
  9. Reviewer, Health Education Research (2007 & 2013).
  10. Reviewer, Health Promotion Practice (2007 & 2012).
  11. Reviewer, The Canadian Journal of Sociology (2007).
  12. Reviewer, Health Education Research (2007 – 2013).
  13. Reviewer, The Canadian Journal of Sociology (2007).

Other Peer Reviews

  1. Reviewer, 2018 NEERO Conference, Portsmouth, NH (May 2 – 4, 2018).
  2. Reviewer, 2018 Global Conference on Education and Research in Las Vegas, NV (Conference held April 17 – 20, 2018).
  3. Reviewer, Adolescence and Youth Development Special Interest Group (SIG) for American Educational Research Association’s 2018 Annual Meeting.
  4. Reviewer, Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin (2012 – 2017).
  5. Reviewer, New England Education Research Organization’s 42nd Annual Conference, held May 7 – 9, 2010.
  6. Reviewer, New England Education Research Organization’s 41st Annual Conference, held May 6 – 8, 2009.

Other Reviews

  1. Methodology Reviewer, Medication Aides/Assistant Knowledge Survey for the National Council for State Boards of Nursing (2011).
  2. Reviewer, third edition of Research Methods: Learning to Become a Critical Research Consumer by Martella, Nelson, & Marchand-Martella and published by SAGE Publications (2011).
  3. Methodology Reviewer, Medication Aides/Assistant Job Analysis Study for the National Council for State Boards of Nursing (2011).
  4. Methodology Reviewer, Nurse Aide Knowledge Survey for the National Council for State Boards of Nursing (2010).
  5. Reviewer, second edition of Research Methods: Learning to Become a Critical Research Consumer by Martella, Nelson, & Marchand-Martella and published by SAGE Publications (2009).

Service Appointments, Etc.

  1. Session Chair, Multi-Method Approaches and Models for Examining the Impact of Interventions on Academic Outcomes, 2018 AERA Annual Meeting in New York, NY (April 14, 2018).
  2. Session Chair, Disability Research and Practice Paper Presentations, 46th annual conference of the New England Educational Research Organization, West Dover, Vermont (May 1, 2014).
  3. Appointed by the president to the “Foundations of Excellence” college evaluation initiative to investigate many aspects of first-year students’ experiences to increase both retention and graduation rates (2012 – 2014).
  4. Member, College Web Redesign Core Group, one of eight people chosen to lead the final stages of the redesign of CSI’s website (2013).
  5. Co-director of implementation of the Teacher Performance Assessment evaluation at the College of Staten Island (2012 – present).
  6. Appointed by the Associate Provost of Institutional Effectiveness to the Middle States Commission on Higher Education Accreditation Steering Committee (2011 – 2012).
  7. Appointed by the Associate Provost of Institutional Effectiveness to the committee creating and overseeing the 8th annual Day of Assessment, College of Staten Island/CUNY (2011).
  8. Specialty Professional Association (SPA) Coordinator for the College of Staten Island (2010 – 2017).
  9. Standard 7 (Institutional Assessment) Advocate, campus-wide Middle States Commission on Higher Education Accreditation Committee for the College of Staten Island (Appointed by the President, 2010 – 2012).
  10. Institutional Title II Coordinator for the College of Staten Island (2007 – 2017)
  11. NCATE/CAEP Coordinator for the College of Staten Island (2010 – 2017).
  12. Session Chair, University of Texas at Arlington. Sixth Annual Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (April 5, 2000).
  13. Class President, Juniata College, 1988 – 1989 academic year.


Doctoral & Master’s Committees

  1. Member, Doctoral Committee for Amil Kusain Perez Tan, Ph.D. Program in Nursing Science, The Graduate Center, CUNY (2021).
  2. Member, Doctoral Committee for Nnenna Onuoha-Jackson, Ph.D. Program in Nursing Science, The Graduate Center, CUNY (2020 – present).
  3. Member, Doctoral Committee for Shawna Townsend, Ph.D. Program in Nursing Science, The Graduate Center, CUNY (2020 – present).
  4. Member, Doctoral Committee for Christine Gilchrist, Ph.D. Program in Nursing Science, The Graduate Center, CUNY (2020 – present).
  5. Member, Doctoral Committee for Randelle Sasa, Ph.D. Program in Nursing Science, The Graduate Center, CUNY (2020 – present).
  6. Member, Doctoral Committee for Susan Riekert, Ph.D. Program in Nursing Science, The Graduate Center, CUNY (2020 – present).
  7. Member, Doctoral Committee for Kathleen Begonia, Ph.D. Program in Nursing Science, The Graduate Center, CUNY (2019 – present).
  8. Member, Doctoral Committee for Sandra Langston, Ph.D. Program in Nursing Science, The Graduate Center, CUNY (2019 – present).
  9. Member, Master’s Thesis Committee for Femke Lambrecht, Department of Animal Nutrition, Genetics, Production and Ethology; University of Ghent, Belgium (2008 – 2010).
  10. Member, Doctoral Committee for Lieve Meers, Department of Animal Nutrition, Genetics, Production and Ethology; University of Ghent, Belgium (2005 – 2009).

Other Committees

  1. Alternate, Hunter College Senate (2021 – present).
  2. Autism Center Task Force, Hunter College (2021 – present).
  3. Member, Search Committee for Associate or Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, Psychology Department, College of Staten Island (2019 – 2020).
  4. Member, CSI Undergraduate Admissions Committee (2019 – 2020)
  5. Alternate, Verrazano Honors Program Steering Committee (2019 – 2020)
  6. Member, SOE Research Seminar Committee (2019 – 2020)
  7. Member, Search Committee for Associate or Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, Psychology Department, College of Staten Island (2018 – 2019).
  8. Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, College of Staten Island (2018 – 2019).
  9. Member, Faculty Review Committee for CSI Scholarship Program, College of Staten Island (2018 – 2019).
  10. PSC CUNY Department Representative Alternate (2018 – 2020)
  11. Member, Research Committee, Lavelle Preparatory School (2015 – present).
  12. Member, Grade Appeals Committee, Department of Educational Studies, School of Education, College of Staten Island (2017 – 2018).
  13. Member, Search Committee for Dean of the School of Education for the College of Staten Island (2015 – 2016).
  14. Member, Program Development Committee, School of Education, College of Staten Island (2015 – 2017).
  15. Member, Search Committee for Director of Assessment for the College of Staten Island (2013 – 2014).
  16. Member, Committee on Committees for the College of Staten Island (2011 – 2016).
  17. Academic Outcomes Assessment Committee for the College of Staten Island
    Member (2014 – 2017)
    Founding Chair (2010 – 2013)
  18. Member, Standard 7 Sub-Committee of the Middle States Accreditation Committee for the College of Staten Island (2010 – 2011).
  19. Member, Search Committee for Director of Institutional Research for the College of Staten Island (2009 – 2010).
  20. Member, Search Committee for Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness for the College of Staten Island (2008 – 2009).
  21. Member, Partnership Advisery Committee, College of Staten Island (2007 – 2015).
  22. Member, Teacher Education Advisery Committee, College of Staten Island (2007 – 2017).
  23. Member, Undergraduate Childhood Education Program Admissions Committee and Undergraduate Adolescence Education Program Admissions Committee, College of Staten Island (2007 – 2015).
  24. Chair, Educational Outcomes Assessment Committee for the School of Education, College of Staten Island (2008 – 2017)

  1. Contributing content and advise (as well as wrote most of the initial html and css code) for therapiemetdieren.be, a joint collaboration currently between Simona Normando of the University of Padua, Lieve Meers and her colleagues centered in the Laboratory of Ethology at the University of Ghent, and me. “Therapie met dieren” means “therapy with animals” in Dutch; the goals of the website are to provide objective, research-based guidance of the rather headless field of animal-assisted interventions (AAIs) and to serve as a focal point for AAI professionals to meet, share ideas, and develop relationships (2010 – 2015).
  2. Oversaw total revision of the design and content of CSI’s Education Department web site in 2010; maintained the site from 2010 – 2014.
  3. With Prof. Brian Carolan, prepared for and oversaw 2010 NCATE continuing accreditation visit of the College of Staten Island’s School of Education. As a result of this visit, department maintained full accreditation and all previously-sited areas for improvement for all standards were removed and only two very minor new areas for improvement (integrating a piece of diversity information from fieldwork into the larger assessment system and providing a private space for adjunct faculty to consult with students) were added.
  4. Co-coordinator, annual Celebration of Research graduate student conference at the College of Staten Island (2008, 2009, and 2010).
  5. With Prof. Eleni Tournaki, prepared for and oversaw 2007 NCATE focused accreditation visit of the College of Staten Island’s School of Education. (Visit was focused on Standard 2: Assessment.) As a result of this visit, all previously-sited areas for improvement were removed and no new areas for improvement were sited.
  6. Science adviser for Animal Handlers in Animal Assisted Intervention Programmes, a graduate class at the University of Gent, Belgium.
  7. Co-creator with People, Animals, and Nature, Inc. and the Animal Medical Center of the first (July 16, 2005, Animal Medical Center, New York City) and second (April 25, 2006, Oakbrook Hilton Gardens, Illinois) annual People, Animals, and Nature Conference.
  8. Testimony presented to Connecticut Environment Committee on bill proposing integration of humane education into school curricula (February 25, 2005).
  9. Led major revisions and redesign of Animaland (www.animaland.org) and Animalessons (www.animalessons.org) websites (2003 – 2005) to include better and a wider range of content, be more accessible and interactive, etc.; having garnered no acclaim before revisions, it subsequently won the following awards:
  10. Co-creator with Green Chimneys of first Humane Education Conference at Green Chimneys Main Campus, Brewster, New York (July 17, 2003).
  11. Animal Caretaker, the University of Texas at Arlington. Supervised and assisted in the complete, continual maintenance and husbandry of up to 400 rats in the UTA rat vivarium (1995 – 2000).

Organization Memberships



Computer Literacy

Statistical Analysis
R (current); SPSS v. 25.0; SAS v. 9.1; Mplus v. 7.4; LISREL v. 9.1; WINSTEPS v3.72.3; Multilog v. 7.0; IRTLRDIF v. 2; and HLM v. 7.

Office and Operating Systems
LibreOffice (current); WPS Office (current); Microsoft Office (up to 2013); GNU/Linux Ubuntu, current LTS (also current builds of the Budgie and Bodhi OSs); Microsoft Windows 10; Mac OS X.

Educational and Assessment
Blackboard (current); EPSON BrightLink Pro 1430Wi; SMART Board 800i and 800 series; Tk20 HigherEd (2007 – 2017).

Web Development and Miscellaneous
HTML 5; CSS 2.1 and some elements of 3; PHP 5.4; Atari 7800.

Media Contacts
  1. WNYC (November 27, 2019)
  2. Staten Island Advance (February 12, 2015).
  3. News 12, Connecticut (August 26, 2005).
  4. Focus 580, Urbana, Illinois (Feb. 25, 2005).
  5. Women’s World (Sept. 24, 2004).
  6. Record-Journal, Wallingford, Connecticut (June, 2004).
  7. The Tallahassee Democrat (June 15, 2004).
  8. Parents Express (May 28, 2004).
  9. Rare Breeds International (April, 2004).
  10. The Chapin School, Doylestown, Penn. (Dec. 22, 2003).
  11. The Arizona Daily Star (Nov. 20, 2003).
  12. The Knoxville News Sentinel (Oct. 23, 2003).
  13. The Family Education Network (Oct. 20, 2003).
  14. The Tennessian (Sept. 15, 2003).
  15. The Daily News (Sept. 4, 2003).
  16. Education Week (May 21, 2003).
  17. Dog Fancy (Jan. 24, 2003).

Certifications & Awards
  1. Champion of Education Award “for demonstrating a passion and a commitment to improvements in education,” John W. Lavelle Preparatory Charter School (2017).
  2. Eta Lambda Chapter of the Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars (2015).
  3. Recognized by the president of the College of Staten Island for “major scholarly publications ... that have brought distinction to the College” (2009, 2011, & 2012; award discontinued in 2013).