* @version $Revision: 18172 $ * @static */ class RewriteModuleExtras { /** * @see GalleryModule::upgrade */ function upgrade($module, $currentVersion) { global $gallery; $platform =& $gallery->getPlatform(); switch ($currentVersion) { case null: /* Initial install */ foreach (array('accessList' => serialize(array()), 'allowEmptyReferer' => '1', 'shortUrls' => serialize(array()), 'activeRules' => serialize(array()), 'parserId' => '', 'modrewrite.galleryLocation' => '', 'modrewrite.status' => serialize(array()), 'modrewrite.embeddedLocation' => '', 'modrewrite.embeddedHtaccess' => '', 'isapirewrite.forced' => '0', 'isapirewrite.galleryLocation' => '', 'isapirewrite.embeddedLocation' => '', 'isapirewrite.httpdini' => '', 'pathinfo.forced' => '0', 'pathinfo.parser' => serialize(array())) as $key => $value) { $ret = $module->setParameter($key, $value); if ($ret) { return $ret; } } break; case '0.0.1': case '0.0.2': case '0.0.3': case '0.0.4': case '0.0.5': case '0.1.0': case '0.1.1': case '0.1.2': case '0.1.3': case '0.1.4': case '0.1.5': case '0.1.6': case '0.1.7': case '0.1.8': case '0.1.9': case '0.1.10': case '0.8.0': case '0.8.1': case '0.9.0': case '0.9.1': case '0.9.2': /* Reset Gallery location, needs to be reconfigured */ foreach (array('galleryLocation' => '', 'embeddedLocation' => '', 'embeddedHtaccess' => '') as $key => $value) { $ret = $module->setParameter($key, $value); if ($ret) { return $ret; } } /* The module needs to be reconfigured */ list ($ret) = $module->deactivate(); if ($ret) { return $ret; } case '0.9.3': case '0.9.4': foreach (array('accessList' => serialize(array())) as $key => $value) { $ret = $module->setParameter($key, $value); if ($ret) { return $ret; } } case '0.9.5': /* * Previously we changed all module:View names to module.View. Since we no longer store * view names in the active rules list, and the old table is deleted in version 1.1.0 we * no longer need to do this. */ case '0.9.6': case '0.9.7': case '0.9.8': case '0.9.9': case '0.9.10': foreach (array('status' => serialize(array())) as $key => $value) { $ret = $module->setParameter($key, $value); if ($ret) { return $ret; } } case '0.9.11': case '0.9.12': case '0.9.13': case '0.9.14': case '0.9.15': case '0.9.16': case '0.9.17': case '0.9.18': case '1.0.0': case '1.0.1': case '1.0.2': case '1.0.3': case '1.0.4': /* Get the custom rules and save it to a plugin param (RewriteMap depricated) */ $query = ' SELECT [RewriteMap::module], [RewriteMap::ruleId], [RewriteMap::pattern] FROM [RewriteMap] ORDER BY [RewriteMap::module] ASC, [RewriteMap::ruleId] ASC '; /* * If this is an upgrade from beta 2 we dont have a RewriteMap. Previous to 0.9.3 rules * were static, therefore leave $activeRules empty. It'll get populated with the * default rules when activate() is called. */ $activeRules = array(); if (version_compare($currentVersion, '0.9.3', '>=')) { list ($ret, $searchResults) = $gallery->search($query); if ($ret) { return $ret; } while ($result = $searchResults->nextResult()) { $activeRules[$result[0]][$result[1]] = $result[2]; } } $params = array('shortUrls' => serialize(array()), 'activeRules' => serialize($activeRules), 'allowEmptyReferer' => '1', 'parserId' => 'modrewrite', 'pathinfo.parser' => serialize(array()), 'pathinfo.forced' => '0', 'isapirewrite.forced' => '0', 'isapirewrite.galleryLocation' => '', 'isapirewrite.embeddedLocation' => '', 'isapirewrite.httpdini' => ''); /* Rename mod_rewrite specific parameters */ foreach (array('galleryLocation', 'status', 'embeddedLocation', 'embeddedHtaccess') as $key) { list ($ret, $value) = $module->getParameter($key); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $params['modrewrite.' . $key] = $value; } list ($ret, $value) = $module->getParameter('accessList'); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $params['accessList'] = $value; /* Cleanup: Remove all old params */ $ret = GalleryCoreApi::removeAllPluginParameters('module', $module->getId()); if ($ret) { return $ret; } /* Set the new params */ foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $ret = $module->setParameter($key, $value); if ($ret) { return $ret; } } case '1.1.0': /* Major GalleryUrlGenerator change */ case '1.1.1': /* GalleryCoreApi 7.0 and GalleryModule 3.0 */ case '1.1.2': case '1.1.3': case '1.1.4': case '1.1.5': /* * Support rewrite rules with 'match' => array('controller' => 'webdav.WebDav'). Check * if 'match' is subset of URL params, instead of indexing by "$view|$subView". Means * adding 'match' to $shortUrls. */ case '1.1.6': /* Add activateRewriteRulesForModule to rewrite API */ case '1.1.7': /* Support rewrite rules without 'pattern' */ GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce('modules/rewrite/classes/RewriteHelper.class'); list ($ret, $activeRules) = $module->getParameter('activeRules'); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $activeRules = unserialize($activeRules); list ($ret, $modules) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchPluginStatus('module'); if ($ret) { return $ret; } /* * Convert active rules from array($moduleId => array($ruleId => $pattern)) to * array($moduleId => array($ruleId => array('pattern' => $pattern))) */ foreach (array_keys($activeRules) as $moduleId) { if (!isset($modules[$moduleId]) || empty($modules[$moduleId]['available'])) { /* * Archive rules of unavailable modules and remove them from the active rules. * Use the old history format, it will get converted in the below loop. */ $ret = $module->setParameter( 'history.' . $moduleId, serialize($activeRules[$moduleId])); if ($ret) { return $ret; } unset($activeRules[$moduleId]); continue; } list ($ret, $tmpModule) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('module', $moduleId, true); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $rules = $tmpModule->getRewriteRules(); foreach ($activeRules[$moduleId] as $ruleId => $pattern) { $activeRules[$moduleId][$ruleId] = array(); /* * Only save old pattern if the rule defines a pattern. Saving a pattern for a * rule which doesn't define a pattern is invalid. */ if (isset($rules[$ruleId]['pattern'])) { $activeRules[$moduleId][$ruleId]['pattern'] = $pattern; } } } /* * Save active rules. There should be no change in the interpretation of active rules, * only the representation, so don't call $rewriteParser->saveActiveRules. */ $ret = $module->setParameter('activeRules', serialize($activeRules)); if ($ret) { return $ret; } /* * Convert history parameters from array($moduleId => array($ruleId => $pattern)) to * array($moduleId => array($ruleId => array('pattern' => $pattern))) */ list ($ret, $parameters) = $module->fetchParameters(); if ($ret) { return $ret; } foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { if (strncmp($key, 'history.', 8) !== 0) { continue; } $history = unserialize($value); $moduleId = substr($key, 8); $moduleAvailable = true; if (!isset($modules[$moduleId]) || empty($modules[$moduleId]['available'])) { $moduleAvailable = false; } else { list ($ret, $tmpModule) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('module', $moduleId, true); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $rules = $tmpModule->getRewriteRules(); } foreach ($history as $ruleId => $pattern) { $history[$ruleId] = array(); /* * Only save old pattern if the rule defines a pattern. Saving a pattern for a * rule which doesn't define a pattern is invalid. */ if (!$moduleAvailable || isset($rules[$ruleId]['pattern'])) { $history[$ruleId]['pattern'] = $pattern; } } $ret = $module->setParameter($key, serialize($history)); if ($ret) { return $ret; } } case '1.1.8': /* Remove L from mandatory flags, remove pattern for restrict rules */ case '1.1.9': /* Update required module API version for getRewriteRules change from 1.1.8 */ case '1.1.10': /* Update regex rules structure to reuse code from GalleryUrlGenerator */ case '1.1.11': /* Add generateUrl options and %{REQUEST_URI} handling to rewrite rule format */ /** * Clear the tpl cache since our .htaccess and isapi templates have changed and the file * modification timestamp is not guaranteed to be newer than the compiled files. * @todo: Revisit when we have per module .tpl versioning. */ $gallery->guaranteeTimeLimit(60); $dir = $gallery->getConfig('data.smarty.templates_c'); if ($platform->file_exists($dir)) { $platform->recursiveRmdir($dir); } case '1.1.12': case '1.1.13': case '': case '': /* .mo file migration */ case '': /* Gallery 2.2.4 security release */ case '': /* Gallery 2.2.5 security release */ case '1.1.14': case '1.1.15': /* Refactored to new event registration from core API 7.34 */ case '1.1.16': case '1.1.17': case 'end of upgrade path': break; default: return GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PLUGIN, __FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf('Unknown module version %s', $currentVersion)); } return null; } /** * @see GalleryModule::handleEvent */ function handleDeactivatePlugin($module, $pluginId) { list ($ret, $activeRules) = $module->getParameter('activeRules'); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $activeRules = unserialize($activeRules); /* Don't update the rules if not necissary */ if (isset($activeRules[$pluginId])) { list ($ret, $rewriteParser) = RewriteHelper::getRewriteParser(); if ($ret) { return $ret; } /* Save the old patterns for later use if module gets reactivated */ $ret = RewriteHelper::setHistoryForModule($pluginId, $activeRules[$pluginId]); if ($ret) { return $ret; } unset($activeRules[$pluginId]); /* Try to activate the new rules */ list ($ret) = $rewriteParser->saveActiveRules($activeRules, $module); if ($ret) { return $ret; } } return null; } /** * @see GalleryModule::handleEvent */ function handleUninstallPlugin($module, $pluginId) { $ret = RewriteHelper::setHistoryForModule($pluginId, array()); if ($ret) { return $ret; } return null; } /** * @see GalleryModule::handleEvent */ function handleActivatePlugin($module, $pluginId) { /* Get saved patterns */ list ($ret, $plugin) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('module', $pluginId); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $rules = $plugin->getRewriteRules(); list ($ret, $history) = RewriteHelper::getHistoryForModule($pluginId); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $ret = RewriteHelper::setHistoryForModule($pluginId, array()); if ($ret) { return $ret; } if (!empty($history)) { list ($ret, $activeRules) = $module->getParameter('activeRules'); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $activeRules = unserialize($activeRules); $originalSize = count($activeRules); $seen = array(); foreach (array_keys($activeRules) as $moduleId) { foreach ($activeRules[$moduleId] as $ruleId => $rule) { if (isset($rule['pattern'])) { $seen[$rule['pattern']] = true; } } } foreach ($history as $ruleId => $rule) { if (isset($rules[$ruleId])) { if (isset($rules[$ruleId]['pattern']) && isset($rule['pattern'])) { if (isset($seen[$rule['pattern']])) { continue; } $seen[$rule['pattern']] = true; } else { $rule = array(); } $activeRules[$pluginId][$ruleId] = $rule; } } /* Only update the active rules if we added something */ if (count($activeRules) > $originalSize) { list ($ret, $rewriteParser) = RewriteHelper::getRewriteParser(); if ($ret) { return $ret; } list ($ret) = $rewriteParser->saveActiveRules($activeRules, $module); if ($ret) { return $ret; } } } return null; } } ?>