Went on my roof to watch the fireworks tonight. (And thought I was pretty clever doing it.) But it turned out it’s such a bad place to watch them that I didn’t even know they had started until they were nearly over. (And me moving shooshely around up there wondering why they were so late.)

Since I’d gotten stoned to watch them, I figured I’d go walking in my neighborhood.


The green grocer assuming everyone knew (on his, what?, fourth day open) that everythign on the loew shelf was only $1. And for those who didn’t, there was the "CELaRy $1" sign at the end to inform people.


A woman in a US Custsoms shirt rolled up the sidewalk in front of me. She called after a robust man in front of her who loped toward the corner, "Why you walking so fast?" Him calling back someething. Maybve she didn’t hear (I couldn’t, but I was a little ways back). She called back to him, Why you wlaking so fast?" Me almost close enough that if she could hear, should be able to, too. But me at least not hearing, and now being kinda curious.